List of Famous people named Lina

Name Lina is among the most common names in Italy. Similar names: Lena, Lynn, Lin, Lenny, Lynne, Len, Lino, Line, Lene, Lennie, Leni, Linn, Lyn, Leanne, Leann, Linnea, Leena, Leeann, Lyne, Leen, Lenn, Leana, Leanna, Lenna, Lien, Leeanna, Liina, Linna. Here are some famous Linas:

Lina Medina

First Name Lina
Last Name Medina
Born on September 27, 1933 (age 90)
Born in Peru, Huancavelica

Lina Marcela Medina de Jurado is a Peruvian woman who became the youngest confirmed mother in history when she gave birth aged five years, seven months, and 21 days. Based on the medical assessments of her pregnancy, she was less than five years old when she became pregnant. She is also the youngest documented case of precocious puberty.

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Lina Wertmüller

Arcangela Felice Assunta Wertmüller von Elgg Spañol von Braueich
First Name Lina
Last Name Wertmüller
Born on August 14, 1928
Died on December 9, 2021 (aged 93)
Born in Italy, Lazio

Lina Wertmüller is an Italian screenwriter and film director. She is known for her films Seven Beauties, The Seduction of Mimi, Love and Anarchy and Swept Away. In 2019, Wertmüller was announced as one of the four recipients of the Academy Honorary Award for her career. Wertmüller is the second female director ever to be honoured with an Academy Honorary Award.

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Lina Morgan

First Name Lina
Last Name Morgan
Born on March 20, 1937
Died on August 19, 2015 (aged 78)

María de los Ángeles López Segovia OAXS MML, better known as Lina Morgan, was a Spanish film, theatre and television actress and showgirl.

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Lina Larissa Strahl

First Name Lina
Last Name Strahl
Born on December 15, 1997 (age 26)

Lina Larissa Strahl is a German singer-songwriter and actress. She is known for her roles as Bibi Blocksberg in the Bibi & Tina film series and Frankie in Disney Channel musical drama, The Lodge.

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Lina Van de Mars

First Name Lina
Last Name Mars
Born on September 13, 1979 (age 44)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Lina van de Mars is a German TV moderator, motor athlete and drummer.

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Lina Hidalgo

First Name Lina
Last Name Hidalgo
Born on February 19, 1991 (age 33)

Lina Maria Hidalgo is an American politician from the state of Texas. She is the county judge for Harris County, Texas, the third largest county in the United States. She is the first woman and the first Latina to be elected to the position of Harris County Judge, a nonjudicial position that functions as the County's Chief Executive and oversees a budget of over $4 billion.

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Lina Heydrich

Lina von Osten
First Name Lina
Last Name Heydrich
Born on June 14, 1911
Died on August 14, 1985 (aged 74)

Lina Mathilde Heydrich was the wife of SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich, a central figure in Nazi Germany.

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Lina El Arabi

First Name Lina
Last Name Arabi
Born on August 11, 1995 (age 28)

Lina El Arabi is a French actress of Moroccan heritage.

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Lina M. Khan

First Name Lina
Last Name Khan
Born on March 3, 1989 (age 35)

Lina M. Khan is an American legal scholar who is the current Chairwoman of the Federal Trade Commission. She previously was an associate professor of law at Columbia Law School.

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Lina Ben Mhenni

First Name Lina
Last Name Mhenni
Born on May 22, 1983
Died on January 27, 2020 (aged 36)

Lina Ben Mhenni was a Tunisian Internet activist, blogger and lecturer in linguistics at Tunis University. She was internationally recognised for her work during the 2011 Tunisian revolution and in the following years.

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