List of Famous people with last name Heydrich

Reinhard Heydrich

Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich
First Name Reinhard
Last Name Heydrich
Born on March 7, 1904
Died on June 4, 1942 (aged 38)

Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich was a high-ranking German SS and police official during the Nazi era and a main architect of the Holocaust. He was chief of the Reich Main Security Office. He was also Stellvertretender Reichsprotektor of Bohemia and Moravia. He served as president of the International Criminal Police Commission and chaired the January 1942 Wannsee Conference which formalised plans for the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question"—the deportation and genocide of all Jews in German-occupied Europe.

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Lina Heydrich

Lina von Osten
First Name Lina
Last Name Heydrich
Born on June 14, 1911
Died on August 14, 1985 (aged 74)

Lina Mathilde Heydrich was the wife of SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich, a central figure in Nazi Germany.

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Heinz Heydrich

First Name Heinz
Last Name Heydrich
Born on September 29, 1905
Died on November 19, 1944 (aged 39)

Heinz Siegfried Heydrich was the son of Richard Bruno Heydrich and the younger brother of SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich. After the death of his brother, Heinz Heydrich helped Jews escape the Holocaust.

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Richard Bruno Heydrich

First Name Richard
Last Name Heydrich
Born on February 23, 1865
Died on August 24, 1938 (aged 73)
Born in Germany, Saxony, Dresden

Richard Bruno Heydrich was a German opera singer (tenor), and composer. He was the father of SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich, an architect of the Final Solution, and Heinz and Maria Heydrich.

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Peter Thomas Heydrich

First Name Peter
Last Name Heydrich
Born on March 2, 1931
Died on November 22, 2000 (aged 69)
Born in Germany
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