List of Famous people named Lenna

Similar names: Lena, Lynn, Lin, Lina, Lenny, Lynne, Len, Lino, Line, Lene, Lennie, Leni, Linn, Lyn, Leanne, Leann, Linnea, Leena, Leeann, Lyne, Leen, Lenn, Leana, Leanna, Lien, Leeanna, Liina, Linna. Here are some famous Lennas:

Lenna Tan

First Name Lenna
Born on April 29, 1981 (age 43)
Born in Indonesia
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Lenna Kuurmaa

First Name Lenna
Born on September 26, 1985 (age 39)

Lenna Kuurmaa is an Estonian singer-songwriter and actress. She is a member of the girl group Vanilla Ninja, but after the band's hiatus since 2009, continued to work as a solo-artist. She also formed a band with the name "Lenna" who released the debut album Lenna in June 2010.

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