List of Famous people named Lien

Similar names: Lena, Lynn, Lin, Lina, Lenny, Lynne, Len, Lino, Line, Lene, Lennie, Leni, Linn, Lyn, Leanne, Leann, Linnea, Leena, Leeann, Lyne, Leen, Lenn, Leana, Leanna, Lenna, Leeanna, Liina, Linna. Here are some famous Liens:

Lien Chen-ling

First Name Lien
Last Name Chen-ling
Born on January 31, 1988 (age 36)
Born in Taiwan

Lien Chen-ling is a Taiwanese judoka. She competed at the 2016 Summer Olympics in the women's 57 kg event, in which she lost the bronze medal match to Kaori Matsumoto.

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Lien Fang Yu

First Name Lien
Last Name Yu
Born on April 14, 1943 (age 81)

Lien Fang Yu born 14 April 1943 in Chongqing as Fang Yu, is the wife of Lien Chan, chairman of the Kuomintang party from 2000 to 2005. Fang is a former Miss Republic of China.

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Lien Yung-hsin

First Name Lien
Last Name Yung-hsin
Born on August 27, 1981 (age 42)
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Lien Sheng-wu

First Name Lien
Last Name Sheng-wu
Born on February 4, 1976 (age 48)
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Lien Van de Kelder

First Name Lien
Last Name Kelder
Born on October 30, 1982 (age 41)
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Lien Yi-chi

First Name Lien
Last Name Yi-chi
Born on July 28, 1977 (age 46)
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Lien Jih-ching

First Name Lien
Last Name Jih-ching
Born on January 1, 1927 (age 97)
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Lien Te-an

First Name Lien
Last Name Te-an
Born on October 29, 1994 (age 29)

Lien Te-an is a Taiwanese luger who has competed since 2012. He competed in the first ever Youth Olympics in Innsbruck, Austria, where he finished 20th out of 25th. Te-An also competed for Chinese Taipei at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, where he placed 39th in the men's single competition.

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