List of Famous people born in Taiwan

Steve Chen

First Name Steve
Last Name Chen
Born on August 18, 1978 (age 45)
Born in Taiwan

Steven Shih Chen is an American Internet entrepreneur who is one of the cofounders and previous chief technology officer of the video-sharing website YouTube. After having cofounded the company AVOS Systems, Inc. and built the video-sharing app MixBit, he joined Google Ventures in 2014. In March 2019 he became advisor to Theta, a new peer to peer video streaming network that uses blockchain technology.

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Chang Chen

First Name Chang
Last Name Chen
Born on October 14, 1976 (age 47)
Born in Taiwan

Chang Chen, sometimes credited as Chen Chang according to Western name order, is a Taiwanese actor. His father Chang Kuo-chu and his brother Hans Chang are also actors.

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Elaine Chao

First Name Elaine
Born on March 26, 1953 (age 71)
Born in Taiwan

Elaine Lan Chao is an American businesswoman and politician. A member of the Republican Party, Chao served as Secretary of Labor in the Bush administration from 2001 to 2009, and as Secretary of Transportation in the Trump administration from 2017 to 2021.

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Gingle Wang

First Name Gingle
Born on February 7, 1998 (age 26)
Born in Taiwan, Taipei

Gingle Wang or Wang Ching is a Taiwanese actress and writer. In 2017, she was offered her first role by director Lien Yi-chi in his film All Because of Love. Wang rose to fame in 2019 with her role in John Hsu's psychological horror film Detention. By her performance, she was nominated the Best Leading Actress award at the 56th Golden Horse Awards.

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Kao Chia-yu

First Name Kao
Last Name Chia-yu
Born on October 17, 1980 (age 43)

Kao Chia-yu is a Taiwanese politician and a member of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). She was elected to the National Assembly in 2005. Upon assuming office, she became the youngest person to ever be seated in that legislative body. Between 2010 and 2020, Kao was a Taipei City Councillor. She was elected to the Legislative Yuan in 2020.

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Tsai Ing-wen

First Name Tsai
Last Name Ing-wen
Born on August 31, 1956 (age 67)
Born in Taiwan, Taipei

Tsai Ing-wen is a Taiwanese politician and academic serving as the seventh president of the Republic of China (Taiwan), since 2016. A member of the Democratic Progressive Party, Tsai is the first female president of Taiwan. She has served as Chair of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) since 2020, and previously from 2008 to 2012 and 2014 to 2018.

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Chen Po-wei

First Name Chen
Last Name Po-wei
Born on July 10, 1985 (age 39)
Born in Taiwan

Chen Po-wei is a Taiwanese politician. He was elected to the Legislative Yuan in the 2020 legislative election.

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Natalie Morales

First Name Natalie
Last Name Morales
Born on June 6, 1972 (age 52)
Born in Taiwan

Natalie Morales-Rhodes is an American journalist working for NBC News. She is the Today Show West Coast anchor and appears on other programs including Dateline NBC and NBC Nightly News.

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Jay Chou

First Name Jay
Last Name Chou
Born on January 18, 1979 (age 45)

Jay Chou is a Taiwanese singer, songwriter, rapper, record producer, actor, film director, businessman and magician. Dubbed the "King of Mandopop", and having sold more than 30 million albums, Chou is one of the best-selling artists in Mainland China and is known for his work with lyricist Vincent Fang, with whom he has frequently collaborated on his music.

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Yen Ching-piao

First Name Yen
Last Name Ching-piao
Born on August 25, 1960 (age 63)
Born in Taiwan, Taichung

Yen Ching-piao is a Taiwanese politician.

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