List of Famous people born in Taiwan Province, Taiwan

Kao Chia-yu

First Name Kao
Last Name Chia-yu
Born on October 17, 1980 (age 44)

Kao Chia-yu is a Taiwanese politician and a member of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). She was elected to the National Assembly in 2005. Upon assuming office, she became the youngest person to ever be seated in that legislative body. Between 2010 and 2020, Kao was a Taipei City Councillor. She was elected to the Legislative Yuan in 2020.

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Lin Ching-yi

First Name Lin
Last Name Ching-yi
Born on February 12, 1974 (age 50)

Lin Ching-yi is a Taiwanese physician and politician. She was first elected to the Legislative Yuan in 2016.

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Lee Ying-yuan

First Name Lee
Last Name Ying-yuan
Born on March 16, 1953
Died on November 11, 2021 (aged 68)

Lee Ying-yuan is a Taiwanese politician. He was elected to the Legislative Yuan in 1995 and stepped down in 2000. In 2005, Lee was appointed the Minister of Council of Labor Affairs, which he led until 2007. Lee has also served as Secretary-General of the Executive Yuan and the Democratic Progressive Party, and was reelected to the Legislative Yuan in 2012. He was appointed the Minister of Environmental Protection Administration in 2016.

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Liu Kuan-ting

First Name Liu
Last Name Kuan-ting
Born on November 11, 1988 (age 35)

Liu Kuan-ting is a Taiwanese actor. He received the Golden Bell Award for Best Supporting Actor for the hit drama series A Boy Named Flora A (2017). In 2019, he won Best Supporting Actor at the 56th Golden Horse Awards for the film A Sun.

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Ko Chen-tung

First Name Ko
Last Name Chen-tung
Born on June 18, 1991 (age 33)

Kai Ko or Ko Chen-tung is a Taiwanese actor and singer. Ko won Best New Actor at the 48th Golden Horse Awards and the 12th Chinese Film Media Awards for his starring role in the film You Are the Apple of My Eye, also his film debut. In November 2011, Ko released his debut studio album Be Yourself.

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Ying Shiuan Hsieh

First Name Ying
Last Name Hsieh
Born on December 31, 1979 (age 44)

Hsieh Ying-xuan is a Taiwanese actress. She won the Best Leading Actress award at the 55th Golden Horse Awards for her role in Dear Ex (2018).

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Cheng Li-wun

First Name Cheng
Last Name Li-wun
Born on November 12, 1969 (age 54)

Cheng Li-wun is a Kuomintang Politician, current non-divisional Legislator. The ancestral home is Yunnan, and once served as former spokeswoman for the Kuomintang in the Republic of China., Democratic Progressive Party Deputy Director of Youth Department, National Assembly Representative, Speaker of the Executive Yuan, the 7th term non-divisional Legislator, Kuomintang Central Committee Deputy Chief Executive of the Policy Committee, Kuomintang Central Committee Chairman of the Cultural Communication. She was previously a member of the Democratic Progressive Party, but she switched sides, citing disappointment with the DPP.

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Joanne Tseng

First Name Joanne
Born on November 17, 1988 (age 35)

Joanne Tseng Chih-chiao is a Taiwanese actress, singer and television host.

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Ariel Lin

First Name Ariel
Last Name Lin
Born on October 29, 1982 (age 41)

Ariel Lin Yi-chen is a Taiwanese actress and singer. She rose to fame for her role as Yuan Xiangqin in the Taiwanese drama It Started with a Kiss (2005) and the Chinese fantasy drama The Little Fairy (2006). Lin won Best Actress at the 43rd and 47th Golden Bell Awards for her roles in They Kiss Again (2007) and In Time with You (2011) respectively.

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Ju Gau-jeng

First Name Ju
Last Name Gau-jeng
Born on October 6, 1954 (age 70)

Ju Gau-jeng is a Taiwanese politician who served in the Legislative Yuan from 1987 to 1999. He was known for his combative personality, and helped found two political parties.

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