List of Famous people named Line

Similar names: Lena, Lynn, Lin, Lina, Lenny, Lynne, Len, Lino, Lene, Lennie, Leni, Linn, Lyn, Leanne, Leann, Linnea, Leena, Leeann, Lyne, Leen, Lenn, Leana, Leanna, Lenna, Lien, Leeanna, Liina, Linna. Here are some famous Lines:

Line Renaud

Jacqueline Simonne Alberte Enté
First Name Line
Last Name Renaud
Born on July 2, 1928 (age 96)

Line Renaud is a French singer, actress and AIDS activist.

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Line Papin

First Name Line
Last Name Papin
Born on December 30, 1995 (age 28)

Line Papin is a French novelist.

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Line Hansen Brunsborg

First Name Line
Last Name Brunsborg
Born on September 30, 2006 (age 18)
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Line Kjærsfeldt

Line Højmark Kjærsfeldt is a Danish badminton player specializing in singles. She won a bronze medal at the 2010 BWF World Junior Championships in women's doubles with Sandra-Maria Jensen. Kjærsfeldt also won a gold medal in 2015 European Games.

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Line Damkjær Kruse

Line Damkjær Kruse is a Danish badminton player. She won silver medal in girls' doubles event at the 2007 Europeann Junior Championships, and bronze medal in mixed doubles event.

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Line Kruse

First Name Line
Last Name Kruse
Born on August 3, 1975 (age 49)
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Line Barfod

First Name Line
Last Name Barfod
Born on May 24, 1964 (age 60)

Line Barfod is a lawyer and politician in Denmark. She is a former member of the Folketing for the Red-Green Alliance.

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Line Fleischer

First Name Line
Last Name Fleischer
Born on March 16, 1997 (age 27)
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Line Isberg

First Name Line
Last Name Isberg
Born on November 30, 1981 (age 42)
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Line Christophersen

First Name Line
Last Name Christophersen
Born on January 14, 2000 (age 24)

Line Drost Christophersen is a Danish badminton player. She once trained at the Skælskør club. Christophersen clinched the girls' singles title at the 2018 European Junior Championships, and the silver medal at the World Junior Championships. She along Denmark team won the 2020 European Women's Team Championships.

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