List of Famous people with last name Renaud

Line Renaud

Jacqueline Simonne Alberte Enté
First Name Line
Last Name Renaud
Born on July 2, 1928 (age 96)

Line Renaud is a French singer, actress and AIDS activist.

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Lilian Renaud

First Name Lilian
Born on October 11, 1991 (age 32)

Lilian Renaud is a French singer who won the title in Season 4 of the French music competition The Voice: la plus belle voix broadcast on TF1 from 10 January 2015 to 25 April 2015.

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Madeleine Renaud

Lucie Madeleine Renaud
First Name Madeleine
Born on February 21, 1900
Died on September 23, 1994 (aged 94)

Lucie Madeleine Renaud was a French actress best remembered for her work in the theatre. She did though appear in several films directed by Jean Grémillon including Remorques and Lumière d'été.

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Michelle Renaud

First Name Michelle
Last Name Renaud
Born on September 9, 1988 (age 35)
Born in Mexico

Michelle Renaud is a Mexican actress.

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François Renaud

First Name François
Last Name Renaud
Born on March 5, 1923
Died on July 3, 1975 (aged 52)
Born in Vietnam, Hà Giang

François Renaud was a French judge whose murder in 1975 led to much speculation, but was never solved. He was the first judge in France to have been assassinated since World War II. His death inspired the French film Le Juge Fayard dit Le Shériff (1977), directed by Yves Boisset.

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Chantal Renaud

First Name Chantal
Last Name Renaud
Born on August 26, 1946 (age 77)

Chantal Renaud is a Québécoise script writer, and a past yé-yé singer and actress. She was the wife of former Quebec Premier and former Parti Québécois leader Bernard Landry.

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Francis Renaud

First Name Francis
Last Name Renaud
Born on September 27, 1967 (age 56)

Francis Renaud, is a French film and television actor.

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Gilles Renaud

First Name Gilles
Last Name Renaud
Born on September 25, 1944 (age 79)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Gilles Renaud is a Canadian actor who has starred in cinema and television in Quebec.

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Louise Renaud

First Name Louise
Last Name Renaud
Born on August 3, 1922
Died on October 19, 2020 (aged 98)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Louise Renaud was a Canadian painter and dancer associated with Les Automatistes.

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Michel Renaud

First Name Michel
Last Name Renaud
Born on February 6, 1945
Died on January 7, 2015 (aged 69)
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