List of Famous people named Gilles

Name Gilles is among the most common names in France, Canada. Similar names: Giles, Gillis, Gyles, Gillies, Gielis, Geilis, Geiles, Gyllis, Gelis. Here are some famous Gilleses:

Gilles Lellouche

First Name Gilles
Last Name Lellouche
Born on July 5, 1972 (age 52)
Born in France, Normandy

Gilles Lellouche is a French actor. He started his career as a director. Lellouche has appeared in more than fifty films since 1995. He was nominated twice for a César Award; in 2006 for Most Promising Actor and in 2011 for Best Supporting actor for his performance in Little White Lies.

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Gilles Bouleau

First Name Gilles
Last Name Bouleau
Born on May 25, 1962 (age 62)

Gilles Bouleau is a French journalist. As a journalist and reporter on TF1 and LCI for several years, he spent several years in other countries as a correspondent in London and Washington. Head of special operations since 2011, he became the news anchor of the Journal de 20 heures on TF1 since June 2012, succeeding Laurence Ferrari.

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Gilles Muller

First Name Gilles
Last Name Muller
Born on May 9, 1983 (age 41)
Born in Luxembourg
Height 193 cm | 6'4

Gilles Müller is a retired tennis player from Luxembourg. He is a two-time Grand Slam quarterfinalist and the most successful male tennis player in the history of his country. Müller won two titles on the ATP World Tour and achieved a career-high ATP singles ranking of world No. 21 on 31 July 2017. He was known for his powerful left-handed serve and excellent net skills. Following his retirement, Müller was appointed as Luxembourg's Davis Cup team captain.

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Gilles Verdez

First Name Gilles
Last Name Verdez
Born on August 8, 1964 (age 60)

Gilles Verdez is a French journalist, television and radio columnist. He is the co-author of books about football in France as well as politics.

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Gilles Simon

First Name Gilles
Last Name Simon
Born on December 27, 1984 (age 40)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Gilles Simon is a French professional tennis player. He has a career-high ATP singles ranking of world No. 6 attained on 5 January 2009. He turned professional in 2002 and has won 14 singles titles on the ATP Tour.

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Gilles Moretton

Gilles Moretton is a former professional tennis player from France. He enjoyed most of his tennis success while playing doubles. During his career, he won four doubles titles. He achieved a career-high doubles ranking of World No. 55 in 1984.

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Gilles Le Gendre

First Name Gilles
Last Name Gendre
Born on May 13, 1958 (age 66)

Gilles Le Gendre is a French politician who presided over the La République En Marche group in the National Assembly from 2018 to 2020. He was elected to the National Assembly in the 2017 legislative election in the 2nd constituency of Paris, which encompasses the 5th, as well as parts of the 6th and 7th arrondissements.

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Gilles Kepel

First Name Gilles
Last Name Kepel
Born on June 30, 1955 (age 69)

Gilles Kepel, is a French political scientist and Arabist, specialized in the contemporary Middle East and Muslims in the West. He is Professor at the Université Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL) and director of the Middle East and Mediterranean Program at PSL, based at Ecole Normale Supérieure. His latest book, Away from Chaos. The Middle East and the Challenge to the West was reviewed by The New York Times as “an excellent primer for anyone wanting to get up to speed on the region”.

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Gilles Vaillancourt

First Name Gilles
Last Name Vaillancourt
Born on January 9, 1941 (age 84)

Gilles Vaillancourt is a former Canadian politician. He served as the mayor of Laval, Quebec, from June 8, 1989 until November 9, 2012, when he was charged, and ultimately found guilty, with corruption and fraud. During this time Vaillancourt was also the leader of the Parti PRO des Lavallois.

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Gilles Duceppe

First Name Gilles
Last Name Duceppe
Born on July 22, 1947 (age 77)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Gilles Duceppe is a Canadian politician, proponent of the Quebec sovereignty movement and former leader of the Bloc Québécois. He was a Member of Parliament in the House of Commons of Canada for over 20 years and has been the leader of the sovereigntist Bloc Québécois for 15 years in three stints: 1996, 1997-2011 and in 2015. He was Leader of the Official Opposition in the Parliament of Canada from March 17, 1997, to June 1, 1997. He resigned as party leader after the 2011 election, in which he lost his own seat to New Democratic Party (NDP) candidate Hélène Laverdière and his party suffered a heavy defeat; however, he returned four years later to lead the party into the 2015 election. After being defeated in his own riding by Laverdière again, he resigned once more.

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