List of Famous people named Louise

Name Louise is among the most common names in England, France, Canada, Australia. Similar names: Louis, Louisa. Here are some famous Louises:

Louise Woodward

First Name Louise
Last Name Woodward
Born on February 28, 1978 (age 46)

In 1997, Louise Woodward, a 19-year-old British au pair, was convicted of the involuntary manslaughter of eight-month-old Matthew Eappen while caring for him in his home in Newton, Massachusetts.

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Louise Minchin

First Name Louise
Last Name Minchin
Born on September 8, 1968 (age 56)
Height 172 cm | 5'8

Louise Mary Minchin is a British journalist and news presenter who currently works freelance within the BBC.

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Louise Linton

First Name Louise
Last Name Linton
Born on December 21, 1980 (age 44)
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Louise Linton is a Scottish actress. She has appeared in the horror films Cabin Fever and Intruder and in minor roles in the television series CSI: NY and Cold Case. Linton is married to Steven Mnuchin, the former United States Secretary of the Treasury.

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Louise Redknapp

Louise Elizabeth Nurding
First Name Louise
Last Name Redknapp
Born on November 4, 1974 (age 50)

Louise Elizabeth Redknapp, is an English singer, songwriter and media personality. She was a member of Eternal, an R&B girl group which debuted in 1993 with their quadruple-platinum studio album Always & Forever. In 1995, she departed from the group for a solo career, in which she released the platinum-selling albums Naked (1996), Woman in Me (1997) and Elbow Beach (2000). Redknapp has sold over five million records in the UK, and 15 million records worldwide.

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Louise Bourgoin

Ariane Louise Bourgoin
First Name Louise
Last Name Bourgoin
Born on November 28, 1981 (age 43)
Born in France, Brittany
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Louise Bourgoin is a French actress, model and television presenter.

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Louise Coldefy

First Name Louise
Last Name Coldefy
Born on May 16, 1987 (age 37)

Louise Coldefy is a French actress.

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Louise Glück

First Name Louise
Last Name Glück
Born on April 22, 1943 (age 81)

Louise Elisabeth Glück is an American poet and essayist. She won the 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature, whose judges praised "her unmistakable poetic voice that with austere beauty makes individual existence universal". Her other awards include the Pulitzer Prize, National Humanities Medal, National Book Award, National Book Critics Circle Award, and Bollingen Prize. From 2003 to 2004, she was Poet Laureate of the United States.

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Louise Adler

First Name Louise
Last Name Adler
Born on March 3, 1954 (age 70)
Born in Australia, Victoria

Louise Adler is a prominent figure in Australian publishing.

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Louise Casey

First Name Louise
Last Name Casey
Born on March 29, 1965 (age 59)

Louise Casey, Baroness Casey of Blackstock is a British government official working in social welfare.

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Louise Fletcher

Estelle Louise Fletcher
First Name Louise
Last Name Fletcher
Born on July 22, 1934
Died on September 23, 2022 (aged 88)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Estelle Louise Fletcher, known professionally as Louise Fletcher, is an American actress. She had her acting debut in the television series 77 Sunset Strip in the 1957/58 season. She guest starred in the television series Bat Masterson as well as Wagon Train in 1959 before making her film debut in A Gathering of Eagles in 1963. In 1974, after a decade-long hiatus from acting in which she raised a family, Fletcher appeared in Robert Altman's Thieves Like Us.

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