List of Famous people born in Brittany, France

François-Henri Pinault

François Pinault
First Name François-Henri
Born on May 28, 1962 (age 62)
Born in France, Brittany

François-Henri Pinault is a French businessman, the chairman and CEO of Kering since 2005, and president of Groupe Artémis since 2003. Under his leadership, the retail conglomerate PPR was transformed into the luxury fashion group Kering.

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Nolwenn Leroy

First Name Nolwenn
Born on September 28, 1982 (age 41)
Born in France, Brittany

Nolwenn Le Magueresse, known by her stage name Nolwenn Leroy, is a French singer-songwriter, musician and voice actress.

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Jean-Marie Le Pen

First Name Jean-Marie
Born on June 20, 1928 (age 96)
Born in France, Brittany

Jean-Marie Le Pen is a French politician who served as President of the National Front from 1972 to 2011. He also served as Honorary President of the National Front from 2011 to 2015.

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Gonzalo Higuaín

Gonzalo Gerardo Higuaín
First Name Gonzalo
Last Name Higuaín
Born on December 10, 1987 (age 36)
Born in France, Brittany
Height 184 cm | 6'0

Gonzalo Gerardo Higuaín is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a striker for Major League Soccer club Inter Miami. Nicknamed El Pipita or Pipa, Higuaín is a prolific striker, known for his eye for goal, strong physique, and offensive movements. He is regarded as one of the best strikers of his generation.

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Laury Thilleman

First Name Laury
Last Name Thilleman
Born on July 30, 1991 (age 32)
Born in France, Brittany
Height 179 cm | 5'10

Laury Betty Thilleman is a French journalist, model, TV Host, actress and beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned Miss France 2011 on 4 December 2010. She made the top 10 at Miss Universe 2011.

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Yoann Gourcuff

Yoann Miguel Gourcuff
First Name Yoann
Born on July 11, 1986 (age 38)
Born in France, Brittany
Height 185 cm | 6'1

Yoann Miguel Gourcuff is a French professional footballer who is a free agent. He operates mainly as an attacking midfielder, but can also be utilized as a withdrawn striker and is described as a "playmaker of real quality" who "is an accomplished passer of the ball". Gourcuff has been described by former French international David Ginola as the best French player of his generation. His talent, elegant playing style, tenacity on the pitch, technical skills and precocious ability have drawn comparisons to French legend Zinedine Zidane.

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Benoît Hamon

First Name Benoît
Last Name Hamon
Born on June 26, 1967 (age 57)
Born in France, Brittany

Benoît Hamon is a French politician known for his former role within the Socialist Party (PS) and Party of European Socialists (PES) and his political party Génération.s.

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Louise Bourgoin

Ariane Louise Bourgoin
First Name Louise
Last Name Bourgoin
Born on November 28, 1981 (age 42)
Born in France, Brittany
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Louise Bourgoin is a French actress, model and television presenter.

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François Pinault

First Name François
Last Name Pinault
Born on August 21, 1936 (age 87)
Born in France, Brittany

François Pinault is a French billionaire businessman, founder of the luxury group Kering and the investment company Artémis.

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Philippe Chevallier

First Name Philippe
Last Name Chevallier
Born on January 11, 1956 (age 68)
Born in France, Brittany

Philippe Chevallier is a French comedian and actor best known for his collaboration with Régis Laspalès.

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