List of Famous people named Francois-henri

Here are some famous Francois-henris:

François-Henri Pinault

François Pinault
First Name François-Henri
Born on May 28, 1962 (age 62)
Born in France, Brittany

François-Henri Pinault is a French businessman, the chairman and CEO of Kering since 2005, and president of Groupe Artémis since 2003. Under his leadership, the retail conglomerate PPR was transformed into the luxury fashion group Kering.

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François-Henri Désérable

First Name François-Henri

François-Henri Désérable is a French author and a former professional ice hockey player.

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François-Henri de Virieu

First Name François-Henri
Born on December 18, 1931
Died on October 27, 1997 (aged 65)

François-Henri de Virieu, marquis de Virieu was a French journalist and television presenter.

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François-Henri Clicquot

First Name François-Henri
Born on January 1, 1732
Died on May 24, 1790 (aged 58)

François-Henri Clicquot was a French organ builder and was the grandson of Robert Clicquot and son of Louis-Alexandre Cliquot, who were also noted organ builders. The Clicquot firm installed the first noteworthy organ in the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris. Though extensively rebuilt and expanded in the nineteenth century by Aristide Cavaillé-Coll, some of the original Clicquot pipework was reused, notably in the pedal division of that instrument, where it continues to be heard today. Upon the death of Louis-Alexandre, François-Henri inherited his father's workshop.

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François-Henri de Montmorency, duc de Luxembourg

First Name François-Henri
Born on January 8, 1628
Died on January 4, 1695 (aged 66)

François Henri de Montmorency-Bouteville, Duke of Piney-Luxembourg, commonly known as Luxembourg, and nicknamed "The Upholsterer of Notre-Dame", was a French general and Marshal of France. Comrade and successor of the Great Condé, he was one of the most accomplished military commanders of the early modern period and is particularly noted for his exploits in the Franco-Dutch War and War of the Grand Alliance. Not imposing physically, as he was a slight man and hunchbacked, Luxembourg was nonetheless one of France's greatest generals. He never lost a battle in which he held command.

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François-Henri d'Harcourt

First Name François-Henri
Born on January 12, 1726
Died on July 22, 1802 (aged 76)

François-Henri d'Harcourt was a French general, duke and peer.

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François-Henri Laenen

First Name François-Henri
Born on January 1, 1801
Died on January 1, 1849 (aged 48)
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François-Henri Salomon de Virelade

First Name François-Henri
Born on October 4, 1620
Died on March 2, 1670 (aged 49)

François-Henri Salomon de Virelade was a French lawyer. He was elected the third occupant of Académie française seat 29 in 1644.

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