List of Famous people who died at 65

Frank Herbert

Frank Patrick Herbert
First Name Frank
Last Name Herbert
Born on October 8, 1920
Died on February 11, 1986 (aged 65)

Franklin Patrick Herbert Jr. was an American science-fiction author best known for the 1965 novel Dune and its five sequels. Though he became famous for his novels, he also wrote short stories and worked as a newspaper journalist, photographer, book reviewer, ecological consultant, and lecturer.

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Tammy Faye Messner

First Name Tammy
Born on March 7, 1942
Died on July 20, 2007 (aged 65)

Tamara Faye Messner was an American Christian singer, evangelist, author, talk show hostess, and television personality. She initially gained notice for her work with The PTL Club, a televangelist program that she co-founded with her husband Jim Bakker in 1974. They had hosted their own puppet show series for local programming in Minnesota in the early 1970s; Messner also had a career as a recording artist. In 1978, she and Bakker built Heritage USA, a Christian theme park.

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Juan José Esparragoza Moreno

First Name Juan
Last Name Moreno
Born on February 3, 1949
Died on June 7, 2014 (aged 65)
Born in Mexico, Sinaloa

Juan José Esparragoza Moreno, commonly referred to by his alias El Azul, is a Mexican drug lord and leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, a drug trafficking organization. Originally a member of the Dirección Federal de Seguridad (DFS) police agency, he founded the Guadalajara Cartel in the 1970s along with other drug kingpins in Mexico. Following its disintegration in the late 1980s, he went on to lead the Juárez Cartel and eventually settled in the Sinaloa Cartel. He worked alongside Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, once considered Mexico's most-wanted drug lord.

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Klaus Kinski

Klaus Günter Karl Nakszynski
First Name Klaus
Last Name Kinski
Born on October 18, 1926
Died on November 23, 1991 (aged 65)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Klaus Kinski was a German actor. He appeared in more than 130 films, and was a leading role actor in the films of Werner Herzog, including Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972), Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979), Woyzeck (1979), Fitzcarraldo (1982), and Cobra Verde (1987). He also appeared in many Spaghetti Westerns, such as For a Few Dollars More (1965), A Bullet for the General (1966), The Great Silence (1968), And God Said to Cain (1970), Shoot the Living and Pray for the Dead (1971) and A Genius, Two Partners and a Dupe (1975).

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Kurt Demmler

Kurt Abramowitsch
First Name Kurt
Last Name Demmler
Born on September 12, 1943
Died on February 3, 2009 (aged 65)

Kurt Demmler, born Kurt Abramowitz was a German songwriter. He was a noted lyricist and songwriter for many German rock bands.

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Yul Brynner

First Name Yul
Last Name Brynner
Born on July 11, 1920
Died on October 10, 1985 (aged 65)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Yuliy Borisovich Briner, better known as Yul Brynner, was a Russian-American actor, singer, and director, considered one of the first Russian-American film stars. He became widely known for his portrayal of King Mongkut in the Rodgers and Hammerstein stage musical The King and I, for which he won two Tony Awards, and later won an Academy Award for the film adaptation. He played the role 4,625 times on stage and became known for his shaved head, which he maintained as a personal trademark long after adopting it for The King and I.

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Zaha Hadid

زها محمد حسين حديد
First Name Zaha
Last Name Hadid
Born on October 31, 1950
Died on March 31, 2016 (aged 65)

Dame Zaha Mohammad Hadid was a British Iraqi architect, artist and designer, recognised as a major figure in architecture of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Born in Baghdad, Iraq, Hadid studied mathematics as an undergraduate and then enrolled at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in 1972. In search of an alternative system to traditional architectural drawing, and influenced by Suprematism and the Russian avant-garde, Hadid adopted painting as a design tool and abstraction as an investigative principle to "reinvestigate the aborted and untested experiments of Modernism [...] to unveil new fields of building."

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Natalie Cole

Natalie Maria Cole
First Name Natalie
Last Name Cole
Born on February 6, 1950
Died on December 31, 2015 (aged 65)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Natalie Maria Cole was an American singer, songwriter, and actress. Cole was the daughter of American singer and jazz pianist Nat King Cole. She rose to success in the mid-1970s as an R&B singer with the hits "This Will Be", "Inseparable" (1975), and "Our Love" (1977). She returned as a pop singer on the 1987 album Everlasting and her cover of Bruce Springsteen's "Pink Cadillac". In the 1990s, she sang traditional pop by her father, resulting in her biggest success, Unforgettable... with Love, which sold over seven million copies and won her seven Grammy Awards. She sold over 30 million records worldwide.

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Richard Pryor

Richard Franklin Lennox Thomas Pryor
First Name Richard
Last Name Pryor
Born on December 1, 1940
Died on December 10, 2005 (aged 65)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Richard Franklin Lennox Thomas Pryor was an American stand-up comedian, actor, and writer. He reached a broad audience with his trenchant observations and storytelling style, and is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential stand-up comedians of all time.

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Michael Williams

First Name Michael
Last Name Williams
Born on July 9, 1935
Died on January 11, 2001 (aged 65)

Michael Leonard Williams, KSG was a British actor who played both classical and comedy roles. He was the husband of actress Dame Judi Dench.

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