List of Famous people born in Primorsky Krai, Russia

Yul Brynner

First Name Yul
Last Name Brynner
Born on July 11, 1920
Died on October 10, 1985 (aged 65)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Yuliy Borisovich Briner, better known as Yul Brynner, was a Russian-American actor, singer, and director, considered one of the first Russian-American film stars. He became widely known for his portrayal of King Mongkut in the Rodgers and Hammerstein stage musical The King and I, for which he won two Tony Awards, and later won an Academy Award for the film adaptation. He played the role 4,625 times on stage and became known for his shaved head, which he maintained as a personal trademark long after adopting it for The King and I.

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Stanislav Petrov

Станислав Евграфович Петров
First Name Stanislav
Born on September 7, 1939
Died on May 19, 2017 (aged 77)

Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov was a lieutenant colonel of the Soviet Air Defence Forces who played a key role in the 1983 Soviet nuclear false alarm incident. On 26 September 1983, three weeks after the Soviet military had shot down Korean Air Lines Flight 007, Petrov was the duty officer at the command center for the Oko nuclear early-warning system when the system reported that a missile had been launched from the United States, followed by up to five more. Petrov judged the reports to be a false alarm, and his decision to disobey orders, against Soviet military protocol, is credited with having prevented an erroneous retaliatory nuclear attack on the United States and its NATO allies that could have resulted in a large-scale nuclear war. An investigation later confirmed that the Soviet satellite warning system had indeed malfunctioned.

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Kristina Rihanoff

First Name Kristina
Born on September 22, 1977 (age 46)
Height 157 cm | 5'2

Kristina Rihanoff is a world finalist professional ballroom dancer, instructor, choreographer and author. She has a degree in Tourism and Hospitality; after finishing public school she studied with St Petersburg Branch of Modern Humanitarian Academy which has several colleges around Russia including Vladivostok.

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Boris Khmelnitsky

First Name Boris
Last Name Khmelnitsky
Born on June 27, 1940
Died on February 16, 2008 (aged 67)

Boris Alexandrovich Khmelnitsky was a Russian theatre and movie actor.

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Yoshirō Irino

First Name Yoshirō
Last Name Irino
Born on November 13, 1921
Died on June 28, 1980 (aged 58)

Yoshirō Vladimir Irino was a Japanese composer.

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Vitali Dyomochka

First Name Vitali
Last Name Dyomochka
Born on December 5, 1970 (age 53)

Vitali Dyomochka, also known as Bondar, is a Russian mobster and crime boss in the Vladivostok area. He is notable for writing, directing, producing and starring in a short TV series called Spets, which aimed to show viewers the reality of the Russian underworld.

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Swati Reddy

First Name Swati
Born on April 19, 1987 (age 37)

Swathi Reddy is an Indian actress, television presenter, and playback singer who predominantly works in Telugu films, along with Tamil and Malayalam films. Her nickname Colours Swathi comes from her stint in the Telugu television show Colours, which was telecast on Maa TV. After playing supporting roles, she made her debut as a leading actress in the Tamil film Subramaniapuram (2008). Her role in the Telugu film Ashta Chamma earned her the Filmfare Award and Nandi Award for Best Actress.

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Anna Shchetinina

First Name Anna
Last Name Shchetinina
Born on February 13, 1908
Died on September 25, 1999 (aged 91)

Anna Ivanovna Shchetinina was a Soviet merchant marine sailor who became the world's first woman to serve as a captain of an ocean-going vessel.

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Boris Gryzlov

First Name Boris
Last Name Gryzlov
Born on December 15, 1950 (age 73)

Boris Vyacheslavovich Gryzlov, is a Russian politician. He was Interior Minister from 2001 to 2003 and Speaker of the State Duma from 2003 to 2011. He is one of the leaders of the largest Russian political party, United Russia. Boris Gryzlov is a close ally of President Vladimir Putin.

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Cyril Pavlov

First Name Cyril
Born on September 8, 1919
Died on February 20, 2017 (aged 97)

Cyril Pavlov, elder Cyril, in life: Ivan Dmitrievich Pavlov, was a Russian Orthodox Christian mystic, elder, wonder-worker and Archimandrite, who was confessor to Patriarch Alexy II. He was also confessor to the previous patriarchs Alexy I and Pimen.

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