List of Famous people born on November 13rd

Emma Raducanu

First Name Emma
Born on November 13, 2002 (age 22)
Born in Canada, Ontario

Emma Raducanu is a British tennis player.

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Andrés Manuel López Obrador

First Name Andrés
Last Name Obrador
Born on November 13, 1953 (age 71)
Born in Mexico, Tabasco

Andrés Manuel López Obrador is the current president of Mexico who took office on 1 December 2018.

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Joshua Cavallo

First Name Joshua
Last Name Cavallo
Born on November 13, 1999 (age 25)

Joshua John Cavallo is an Australian professional association footballer who plays as a left back and central midfielder for Adelaide United. Cavallo has represented the Australian under-20 national team.

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Gerard Butler

Gerard James Butler
First Name Gerard
Last Name Butler
Born on November 13, 1969 (age 55)
Height 186 cm | 6'1

Gerard James Butler is a Scottish actor and film producer. After studying law, Butler turned to acting in the mid-1990s with small roles in productions such as Mrs Brown (1997), the James Bond film Tomorrow Never Dies (1997), and Tale of the Mummy (1998). In 2000, he starred as Count Dracula in the gothic horror film Dracula 2000 with Christopher Plummer and Jonny Lee Miller.

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Whoopi Goldberg

Caryn Elaine Johnson
First Name Whoopi
Born on November 13, 1955 (age 69)
Height 163 cm | 5'4

Caryn Elaine Johnson, known professionally as Whoopi Goldberg, is an American actor, comedian, author, and television personality. A recipient of numerous accolades, Goldberg is one of sixteen entertainers to have won an Emmy Award, a Grammy Award, an Academy Award, and a Tony Award.

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Merrick Garland

Merrick Brian Garland
First Name Merrick
Last Name Garland
Born on November 13, 1952 (age 72)

Merrick Brian Garland is an American lawyer, jurist, and attorney general designate who serves as a United States circuit judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. He has served on that court since 1997. President Joe Biden has nominated Garland for the position of United States attorney general.

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Rahul Kohli

First Name Rahul
Last Name Kohli
Born on November 13, 1985 (age 39)
Height 192 cm | 6'4

Rahul Kohli is a British actor. He is best known for playing Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti in the television series iZombie and Owen Sharma in The Haunting of Bly Manor.

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Lando Norris

First Name Lando
Last Name Norris
Height 169 cm | 5'7

Lando Norris is a Belgian-British racing driver currently competing in Formula One with McLaren, racing under the British flag. He won the MSA Formula championship in 2015, and the Toyota Racing Series, Eurocup Formula Renault 2.0 and Formula Renault 2.0 Northern European Cup in 2016. He also received the McLaren Autosport BRDC Award that year. He subsequently won the 2017 FIA Formula 3 European Championship. He was a member of the McLaren Young Driver Programme.

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Greg Abbott

Gregory Wayne Abbott
First Name Greg
Last Name Abbott
Born on November 13, 1957 (age 67)

Gregory Wayne Abbott is an American attorney and politician serving as the 48th and current governor of Texas since 2015. A member of the Republican Party, he previously served as the 50th attorney general of Texas from 2002 to 2015. He is the third governor of any U.S. state to permanently use a wheelchair. He is also the first disabled governor in Texas history.

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José María Yazpik

First Name José
Last Name Yazpik
Born on November 13, 1970 (age 54)
Born in Mexico

José María Yazpik is a Mexican actor.

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