List of Famous people born in Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland

Klaus Kinski

Klaus Günter Karl Nakszynski
First Name Klaus
Last Name Kinski
Born on October 18, 1926
Died on November 23, 1991 (aged 65)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Klaus Kinski was a German actor. He appeared in more than 130 films, and was a leading role actor in the films of Werner Herzog, including Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972), Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979), Woyzeck (1979), Fitzcarraldo (1982), and Cobra Verde (1987). He also appeared in many Spaghetti Westerns, such as For a Few Dollars More (1965), A Bullet for the General (1966), The Great Silence (1968), And God Said to Cain (1970), Shoot the Living and Pray for the Dead (1971) and A Genius, Two Partners and a Dupe (1975).

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Ingrid van Bergen

First Name Ingrid
Born on June 15, 1931 (age 93)

Ingrid van Bergen is a German film actress. She has appeared in 100 films since 1954. She was born in Free City of Danzig, today Gdańsk, Poland.

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Klaus Rainer Röhl

First Name Klaus
Last Name Röhl
Born on December 1, 1928
Died on November 30, 2021 (aged 92)

Klaus Rainer Röhl is a German journalist and author, best known as founder, owner, publisher and editor-in-chief of konkret, the most influential magazine on the German political left from the 1960s to the early 1970s. He has since become critical of communism and the far-left.

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Justus Rosenberg

First Name Justus
Last Name Rosenberg
Born on January 23, 1921
Died on October 30, 2021 (aged 100)

Justus Rosenberg was a literature professor who spent most of his life teaching in the United States, ending his career as a professor emeritus of languages and literature at Bard College. Before that, as a teenager he began playing a role in saving many lives when the Nazis overran France, working first as part of a French-American network organized to help anti-Nazi intellectuals and artists escape from Vichy France to the United States, and later as a member of the French Resistance during World War II, providing assistance as well to the US Army.

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Erika Steinbach

Erika Hermann
First Name Erika
Last Name Steinbach
Born on July 25, 1943 (age 81)

Erika Steinbach is a German conservative politician. She previously served as a member of the Bundestag from 1990 until 2017.

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Donald Tusk

Donald Franciszek Tusk
First Name Donald
Last Name Tusk
Born on April 22, 1957 (age 67)

Donald Franciszek Tusk is a Polish politician who was President of the European Council from 2014 to 2019. He served as the 14th prime minister of Poland from 2007 to 2014 and was a co-founder and chairman of the Civic Platform political party. On 20 November 2019, Tusk was elected as the president of the European People's Party (EPP), Europe's largest transnational political party.

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Paweł Adamowicz

Paweł Bogdan Adamowicz
First Name Paweł
Born on November 2, 1965
Died on January 14, 2019 (aged 53)

Paweł Bogdan Adamowicz was a Polish politician and lawyer who served as the city mayor of Gdańsk from 1998 until his assassination in 2019.

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Winfried Glatzeder

First Name Winfried
Born on April 26, 1945 (age 79)

Winfried Glatzeder is a German television actor and playwright. He began his acting career in East Germany in the 1960s. In the early 1970s, he made his breakthrough by starring in films such as Zeit der Störche and The Legend of Paul and Paula. From 1996 to 1998, Glatzeder played the role of Commissioner Ernst Roiter in the television series Tatort. Since then, he has mainly worked in theatre and television.

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Johanna von Puttkamer

Johanna Friederike Charlotte Dorothea Eleonore von Puttkamer
First Name Johanna
Born on April 11, 1824
Died on November 27, 1894 (aged 70)

Johanna Friederike Charlotte Dorothea Eleonore, Princess of Bismarck, Duchess of Lauenburg was a Prussian noblewoman and the wife of the 1st Chancellor of Germany, Otto von Bismarck.

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Wolfgang Völz

Wolfgang Otto Völz
First Name Wolfgang
Last Name Völz
Born on August 16, 1930
Died on May 2, 2018 (aged 87)

Wolfgang Otto Völz was a German actor. He is known for his roles in theatre plays, TV shows, feature films and taped radio shows. He was also a very prolific voice actor.

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