List of Famous people named Linn

Similar names: Lena, Lynn, Lin, Lina, Lenny, Lynne, Len, Lino, Line, Lene, Lennie, Leni, Lyn, Leanne, Leann, Linnea, Leena, Leeann, Lyne, Leen, Lenn, Leana, Leanna, Lenna, Lien, Leeanna, Liina, Linna. Here are some famous Linns:

Linn Ullmann

First Name Linn
Last Name Ullmann
Born on August 9, 1966 (age 57)

Karin Beate "Linn" Ullmann is a Norwegian author and journalist. A prominent literary critic, she also writes a column for Norway's leading morning newspaper and has published six novels.

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Linn Berggren

First Name Linn
Last Name Berggren
Born on October 31, 1970 (age 53)

Malin Sofia Katarina Berggren is a Swedish singer-songwriter, best known as a former member of the pop music band Ace of Base. Having been interested and involved in music since her childhood, she formed the band in 1987, along with her sister Jenny, her brother Jonas and their friend Ulf Ekberg. Before forming Ace of Base, Malin sang in her church's choir. She was born in Gothenburg, Sweden.

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Linn Reusse

First Name Linn
Last Name Reusse
Born on September 23, 1992 (age 31)
Born in Germany
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Linn Torp

First Name Linn
Last Name Torp
Born on April 22, 1977 (age 47)
Born in Norway, Viken
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Linn Torp is a Norwegian cyclist. She was born in Eidsvoll. She won the Norwegian National Road Race Championship in 2006 and 2009.

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Linn Boyd

First Name Linn
Last Name Boyd
Born on November 22, 1800
Died on December 17, 1859 (aged 59)

Linn Boyd was a prominent US politician of the 1840s and 1850s, and served as Speaker of the United States House of Representatives from 1851 to 1855. Boyd was elected to the House as a Jacksonian from Kentucky from 1835 to 1837 and again as a Democrat from 1839 to 1855, serving seven terms in the House. Boyd County, Kentucky is named in his honor.

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Linn Selle

First Name Linn
Last Name Selle
Born on September 5, 1986 (age 37)

Linn Selle is president of the European Movement Germany.

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Linn da Quebrada

First Name Linn
Last Name Quebrada
Born on July 18, 1990 (age 34)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo

Linn da Quebrada is the stage name of Lina Pereira dos Santos, a Brazilian singer, actress, screenwriter, and television personality.

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Linn Yann

First Name Linn
Last Name Yann
Born on November 23, 1961
Died on August 31, 1999 (aged 37)
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Linn Engelmann

First Name Linn
Last Name Engelmann
Born on November 30, 1974 (age 49)
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Linn Lilian Stenrud

First Name Linn
Last Name Stenrud
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Don't know him/her
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