List of Famous people born in Tunisia

Claudia Cardinale

Claude Joséphine Rose Cardinale
First Name Claudia
Last Name Cardinale
Born on April 15, 1938 (age 86)
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Claude Joséphine Rose "Claudia" Cardinale is a Tunisian-born Italian film actress who starred in some of the most acclaimed European films of the 1960s and 1970s, mainly Italian or French, but also in many English-language films.

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Dany Brillant

Daniel Cohen
First Name Dany
Last Name Brillant
Born on December 28, 1965 (age 58)

Dany Brillant, is a French singer of a Jewish-Tunisian origin.

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Ibn Khaldun

First Name Ibn
Born on May 27, 1332
Died on March 17, 1406 (aged 73)

Ibn Khaldun was an Arab scholar of Islam, social scientist, philosopher and historian who has been described as the founder of the modern disciplines of historiography, sociology, economics, and demography. Niccolò Machiavelli of the Renaissance and the 19th-century European scholars widely acknowledged the significance of his works and considered Ibn Khaldun to be one of the greatest philosophers of the Middle Ages.

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Gisèle Halimi

Zeiza Giselle Elise Taieb
First Name Gisèle
Born on July 27, 1927
Died on July 28, 2020 (aged 93)

Gisèle Halimi was a Tunisian-French lawyer, feminist, and essayist.

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Najla Bouden

First Name Najla
Born on June 29, 1958 (age 66)

Najla Bouden, also known as Najla Bouden Romdhane, is a Tunisian geologist and university professor who is serving as the Prime Minister of Tunisia. She took office on 11 October 2021, making her the first female prime minister both in Tunisia and the Arab world. She previously served in the education ministry in 2011.

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Georges Wolinski

Georges David Wolinski
First Name Georges
Last Name Wolinski
Died on January 7, 2015 (aged 45)

Georges Wolinski was a French cartoonist and comics writer. He was killed on 7 January 2015 in a terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo along with other staff.

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Roberto Blanco

First Name Roberto
Last Name Blanco
Born on June 7, 1937 (age 87)

Roberto Blanco, was born 7 June 1937 in Tunis, Tunisia. Of Afro-Cuban origin, Blanco is a German-speaking Schlager singer and actor.

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Hamida Djandoubi

First Name Hamida
Born on September 22, 1949
Died on September 10, 1977 (aged 27)

Hamida Djandoubi was a Tunisian sentenced to death in France. He was a Tunisian agricultural worker and convicted murderer. He moved to Marseille, France, in 1968 and six years later he kidnapped, tortured and murdered 22-year-old Élisabeth Bousquet, his former girlfriend. He was sentenced to death in February 1977 and executed by guillotine in September that year. He was the last person to be executed in Western Europe, and he was the last person to be lawfully executed by beheading anywhere in the Western world. He was not however, the last person sentenced to death in France. Marcel Chevalier served as chief executioner.

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Poorna Jagannathan

First Name Poorna
Born on December 22, 1972 (age 51)
Height 169 cm | 5'7

Poorna Jagannathan is an American actress of Indian descent. She is best known for her portrayal of Safar Khan in the HBO miniseries The Night Of as well as playing the lead in the Bollywood comedy film Delhi Belly. She also initiated and produced the play Nirbhaya, written and directed by Yaël Farber, which dealt with breaking the silence about sexual violence. Nirbhaya won the 2013 Amnesty International Award and was called by The Telegraph as the "One of the most powerful pieces of theater you'll ever see".

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Ons Jabeur

First Name Ons
Born on August 28, 1994 (age 29)
Height 167 cm | 5'6

Ons Jabeur is a Tunisian professional tennis player. She has a career-high Women's Tennis Association (WTA) ranking of No. 30 in the world. At the 2020 Australian Open, Jabeur became the first Arab woman to reach quarterfinals of a Grand Slam tournament. She is also the highest-ranked Arab player in WTA history. Jabeur has won 11 singles titles and one doubles title on the ITF Women's Circuit. She reached her only WTA final in 2018 at the Premier-level Kremlin Cup in Russia.

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