List of Famous people born in Sakhalin Oblast, Russia

Igor Nikolayev

First Name Igor
Born on January 17, 1960 (age 64)

Igor Yuryevich Nikolayev is a Russian composer, singer and song-writer.

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Alexander Godunov

First Name Alexander
Last Name Godunov
Born on November 28, 1949
Died on May 18, 1995 (aged 45)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Alexander Borisovich Godunov was a Russian-American ballet dancer and film actor. He was a member of the Bolshoi Ballet and became the troupe's Premier danseur. In 1979, he defected to the United States.

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Sergei Roldugin

Сергей Павлович Ролдугин
First Name Sergei
Last Name Roldugin
Born on September 28, 1951 (age 72)
Born in Russia

Sergei Pavlovich Roldugin is a Russian cellist and businessman, based in St Petersburg. He is a close friend of Vladimir Putin.

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Elena Mayorova

First Name Elena
Last Name Mayorova
Born on May 30, 1958
Died on August 23, 1997 (aged 39)

Elena Vladimirovna Mayorova was a Soviet and Russian film and stage actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1989).

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Taihō Kōki

First Name Taihō
Last Name Kōki
Born on May 29, 1940
Died on January 19, 2013 (aged 72)
Height 187 cm | 6'2

Taihō Kōki was a Japanese professional sumo wrestler. He became the 48th yokozuna in 1961 at the age of 21, the youngest ever at the time.

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Alexander Kozlov

First Name Alexander
Last Name Kozlov
Born on January 2, 1981 (age 43)

Alexander Alexandrovich Kozlov is the Russian politician who serves as the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia since 10 November 2020.

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Evgeny Svechnikov

First Name Evgeny
Born on October 31, 1996 (age 27)
Height 190 cm | 6'3

Evgeny Igorevich Svechnikov is a Russian professional ice hockey forward currently playing for the the Detroit Red Wings of the National Hockey League (NHL). He was drafted 19th overall by the Detroit Red Wings in the 2015 NHL Entry Draft.

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Oleg Kagan

First Name Oleg
Last Name Kagan
Born on November 22, 1946
Died on July 15, 1990 (aged 43)

Oleg Moiseyevich Kagan was a Soviet violinist, known for his chamber collaborations with such musicians as pianist Sviatoslav Richter and cellist Natalia Gutman, his wife. He was also a significant proponent of modern music, in particular Berg's Violin Concerto. Several recently released concert recordings have added to his posthumous reputation.

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Viktor Stepanov

First Name Viktor
Born on May 21, 1947
Died on December 26, 2005 (aged 58)

Viktor Fyodorovich Stepanov was a Russian actor. He appeared in more than fifty films from 1964 to 2005.

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Oleksiy Kostusyev

First Name Oleksiy
Born on June 29, 1954 (age 70)

Oleksiy Kostusyev is a Ukrainian politician and former mayor of Odessa.

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