List of Famous people who died in 1990

Aldo Gucci

First Name Aldo
Last Name Gucci
Born on May 26, 1905
Died on January 19, 1990 (aged 84)
Born in Italy, Tuscany

Aldo Gucci was the chairman of Gucci Shops Inc. from 1953 to 1986. He was the eldest son of Guccio Gucci, who founded the company bearing the family name in 1921.

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Viktor Tsoi

First Name Viktor
Born on June 21, 1962
Died on August 15, 1990 (aged 28)
Born in Russia

Viktor Robertovich Tsoi was a Soviet and Russian singer and songwriter who co-founded Kino, one of the most popular and musically influential bands in the history of Russian music.

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Rich Porter

First Name Rich
Last Name Porter
Born on July 26, 1965
Died on January 3, 1990 (aged 24)

Richard Porter, better known as Rich Porter, was an American drug dealer who rose to prominence in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City during the War on Drugs in the mid–1980s. Porter was described by the police as being a "mid-level crack dealer" who "sold about $50 thousand worth of crack a week". The 2002 film Paid in Full was based on Rich and his partners Azie Faison and Alpo Martinez.

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Born on December 11, 1931
Died on January 19, 1990 (aged 58)
Born in India

Rajneesh, also known as Acharya Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh, and later as Osho, was an Indian godman, mystic, and founder of the Rajneesh movement.

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Roald Dahl

First Name Roald
Born on September 13, 1916
Died on November 23, 1990 (aged 74)

Roald Dahl was a British novelist, short-story writer, poet, screenwriter, and wartime fighter pilot. His books have sold more than 250 million copies worldwide.

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Born on April 23, 1932
Died on March 26, 1990 (aged 57)

Roy Halston Frowick, known mononymously as Halston, was an American fashion designer who rose to international fame in the 1970s.

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Sammy Davis Jr.

Samuel George Davis Jr.
First Name Sammy
Last Name Jr.
Born on December 8, 1925
Died on May 16, 1990 (aged 64)
Height 165 cm | 5'5

Samuel George Davis Jr. was an American singer, dancer, actor, vaudevillian and comedian whom critic Randy Blaser called "the greatest entertainer ever to grace a stage in these United States."

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Lev Yashin

First Name Lev
Last Name Yashin
Born on October 22, 1929
Died on March 20, 1990 (aged 60)
Born in Russia
Height 189 cm | 6'2

Lev Ivanovich Yashin, nicknamed the "Black Spider" or the "Black Panther", was a Soviet professional footballer, regarded by many as the greatest goalkeeper in the history of the sport. He was known for his athleticism, positioning, stature, bravery, imposing presence in goal, and acrobatic reflex saves. He was also deputy chairman of the Football Federation of the Soviet Union.

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Ryan White

First Name Ryan
Last Name White
Born on December 6, 1971
Died on April 8, 1990 (aged 18)

Ryan Wayne White was an American teenager from Kokomo, Indiana, who became a national poster child for HIV/AIDS in the United States after failing to be re-admitted to school following a diagnosis of AIDS. As a hemophiliac, he became infected with HIV from a contaminated factor VIII blood treatment and, when diagnosed in December 1984, was given six months to live. Doctors said he posed no risk to other students, as AIDS is not an airborne disease and spreads solely through bodily fluids, but AIDS was poorly understood by the general public at the time. When White tried to return to school, many parents and teachers in Howard County rallied against his attendance due to concerns of the disease spreading through bodily fluid transfer. A lengthy administrative appeal process ensued, and news of the conflict turned Ryan into a popular celebrity and advocate for AIDS research and public education. Surprising his doctors, Ryan White lived five years longer than predicted. He died on April 8, 1990, one month before his high school graduation.

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Boris Shcherbina

First Name Boris
Last Name Shcherbina
Born on October 5, 1919
Died on August 22, 1990 (aged 70)

Boris Yevdokimovich Shcherbina was a Soviet politician who served as a vice-chairman of the Council of Ministers from 1984 to 1989. During this period he supervised Soviet crisis management of two major catastrophes: the 1986 Chernobyl disaster and the 1988 Armenian earthquake.

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