List of Famous people with last name Koki

Taihō Kōki

First Name Taihō
Last Name Kōki
Born on May 29, 1940
Died on January 19, 2013 (aged 72)
Height 187 cm | 6'2

Taihō Kōki was a Japanese professional sumo wrestler. He became the 48th yokozuna in 1961 at the age of 21, the youngest ever at the time.

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Kotokaze Kōki

First Name Kotokaze
Born on April 26, 1957 (age 67)
Born in Japan

Kotokaze Kōki is a former sumo wrestler from Tsu, Mie, Japan. Beginning his career in 1971, he reached the top makuuchi division in 1977 but after a serious injury in 1979 he fell greatly in rank before staging a comeback. His highest rank was ōzeki, which he reached in 1981. He won two tournament championships and was a runner-up in two others. He won six special prizes and six gold stars for defeating yokozuna. He retired in 1985 and became an elder of the Japan Sumo Association and the head coach of Oguruma stable.

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