List of Famous people named Betty

Name Betty is among the most common names in USA, England, Canada. Similar names: Beth, Beate, Beata, Bethia, Beat, Bette, Beto, Bettie, Betye, Beatie, Bitty, Bethe, Bitto, Bettye, Bete, Beattie, Bethiah. Here are some famous Bettys:

Betty White

Betty Marion White
First Name Betty
Last Name White
Born on January 17, 1922
Died on December 31, 2021 (aged 99)
Height 163 cm | 5'4

Betty Marion White Ludden is an American actress and comedian. With a television career spanning over 80 years, White has worked longer in that medium than anyone else in the television industry. Regarded as a pioneer of television, she was one of the first women to exert control in front of and behind the camera and is recognized as the first woman to produce a sitcom, which contributed to her receiving the honorary title Mayor of Hollywood in 1955.

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Betty Lynn

Elizabeth Ann Theresa Lynn
First Name Betty
Last Name Lynn
Born on August 29, 1926
Died on October 16, 2021 (aged 95)

Elizabeth Ann Theresa Lynn is a retired American actress. She is best known for her role as Thelma Lou, Deputy Barney Fife's girlfriend, on The Andy Griffith Show. During the 1940s and 1950s, she appeared in many films, including Sitting Pretty (1948), June Bride (1948), the original Cheaper by the Dozen (1950) and Meet Me in Las Vegas (1956).

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Betty Shabazz

Betty Dean Sanders
First Name Betty
Last Name Shabazz
Died on June 23, 1997 (aged 27)

Betty Shabazz, also known as Betty X, was an American educator and civil rights advocate. She was married to Malcolm X.

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Betty Broderick

First Name Betty
Last Name Broderick
Born on November 7, 1947 (age 76)

Elisabeth Anne Broderick is an American woman who was convicted of killing her ex-husband, Daniel T. Broderick III, and his second wife, Linda (Kolkena) Broderick, on November 5, 1989. At a second trial on December 11, 1991, she was convicted of two counts of second-degree murder and later sentenced to 32-years-to-life in prison. The case received extensive media attention and was extremely controversial. Several books were written on the Broderick case, and a TV movie was televised in two parts. In 2020, an 8-episode miniseries was produced and aired about Broderick.

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Betty Ong

First Name Betty
Last Name Ong
Born on February 5, 1956
Died on September 11, 2001 (aged 45)

Betty Ann Ong was an American flight attendant aboard American Airlines Flight 11, the first airplane to become hijacked during the September 11 attacks. Shortly after the hijacking, Ong notified the American Airlines ground crew of the hijacking, staying on the telephone for 25 minutes and relaying vital information that eventually led to the closing of airspace by the FAA for the first time in United States history.

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Betty Gilpin

First Name Betty
Last Name Gilpin
Born on July 21, 1986 (age 38)
Height 169 cm | 5'7

Elizabeth Folan Gilpin is an American actress. She is best known for portraying Debbie "Liberty Belle" Eagan in the Netflix comedy series GLOW (2017–2019), for which she was nominated for three Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series. She also starred as Dr. Carrie Roman in the Showtime comedy-drama series Nurse Jackie (2013–2015).

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Betty Currie

First Name Betty
Last Name Currie
Born on November 10, 1939 (age 84)

Betty Currie is an American government official who served as the personal secretary for Bill Clinton. She became well known as a figure in the Lewinsky scandal for her alleged handling of gifts given to Monica Lewinsky by President Clinton.

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Betty Wright

Bessie Regina Norris
First Name Betty
Last Name Wright
Born on December 21, 1953
Died on May 10, 2020 (aged 66)

Bessie Regina Norris, better known by her stage name Betty Wright, was an American soul and R&B singer, songwriter and background vocalist. Beginning her professional career in the late 1960s as a teenager, Wright rose to fame in the 1970s with hits such as "Clean Up Woman" and "Tonight Is the Night". Wright was also prominent in her use of whistle register.

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Betty Campbell

First Name Betty
Last Name Campbell
Born on November 6, 1934
Died on October 13, 2017 (aged 82)

Betty Campbell was a Welsh community activist, who was Wales' first black head teacher. Born into a poor household in Butetown, she won a scholarship to the Lady Margaret High School for Girls in Cardiff. Campbell later trained as a teacher, eventually becoming head teacher of Mount Stuart Primary School in Butetown, Cardiff. She put into practice innovative ideas on the education of children and was actively involved in the community.

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Betty Gabriel

First Name Betty
Last Name Gabriel
Born on January 6, 1981 (age 43)
Height 163 cm | 5'4

Betty Gabriel is an American actress. She is best known for her work in Blumhouse Productions films. She first received recognition for starring as Laney Rucker in the horror film The Purge: Election Year (2016). She then starred as Georgina in Get Out (2017), for which she earned praise from critics and several award nominations.

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