List of Famous people named Bettye

Similar names: Betty, Beth, Beate, Beata, Bethia, Beat, Bette, Beto, Bettie, Betye, Beatie, Bitty, Bethe, Bitto, Bete, Beattie, Bethiah. Here are some famous Bettyes:

Bettye LaVette

Bettye LaVette is an American soul singer-songwriter who made her first record at sixteen, but achieved only intermittent fame until 2005, with her album I've Got My Own Hell to Raise. Her eclectic musical style combines elements of soul, blues, rock and roll, funk, gospel, and country music.

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Bettye Ackerman

First Name Bettye
Born on February 28, 1924
Died on November 1, 2006 (aged 82)

Bettye Louise Ackerman was an American actress primarily known for her work on television.

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