List of Famous people named Bettie

Similar names: Betty, Beth, Beate, Beata, Bethia, Beat, Bette, Beto, Betye, Beatie, Bitty, Bethe, Bitto, Bettye, Bete, Beattie, Bethiah. Here are some famous Betties:

Bettie Page

Bettie Mae Page
First Name Bettie
Born on April 22, 1923
Died on December 11, 2008 (aged 85)
Height 166 cm | 5'5

Bettie Mae Page, known professionally as Bettie Page, was an American model who gained notoriety in the 1950s for her pin-up photos. Often referred to as the "Queen of Pinups", her shoulder-to-armpit-length jet-black hair, blue eyes, and trademark bangs have influenced artists for generations. "I think that she was a remarkable lady, an iconic figure in pop culture who influenced sexuality, taste in fashion, someone who had a tremendous impact on our society," said Playboy founder Hugh Hefner to the Associated Press in 2008.

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Bettie Hepburn

First Name Bettie
Born on September 27, 1770 (age 254)
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