List of Famous people named Betye

Similar names: Betty, Beth, Beate, Beata, Bethia, Beat, Bette, Beto, Bettie, Beatie, Bitty, Bethe, Bitto, Bettye, Bete, Beattie, Bethiah. Here are some famous Betyes:

Betye Saar

Betye Irene Brown
First Name Betye
Born on July 30, 1926 (age 98)

Betye Irene Saar is an African-American artist known for her work in the medium of assemblage. Saar has been called "a legend" in the world of contemporary art. She is a visual storyteller and an accomplished printmaker. Saar was a part of the Black Arts Movement in the 1970s, which engaged myths and stereotypes about race and femininity. Her work is considered highly political, as she challenged negative ideas about African Americans throughout her career; Betye Saar is best known for her art work that critiques American racism toward Blacks. She is represented by Los Angeles based gallery Roberts Projects.

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