List of Famous people named Beto

Similar names: Betty, Beth, Beate, Beata, Bethia, Beat, Bette, Bettie, Betye, Beatie, Bitty, Bethe, Bitto, Bettye, Bete, Beattie, Bethiah. Here are some famous Betos:

Beto O'Rourke

Robert Francis O'Rourke
First Name Beto
Born on September 26, 1972 (age 51)

Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke is an American politician who represented Texas's 16th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives from 2013 to 2019. O'Rourke is most notable for his 2018 campaign for United States Senate, in which he narrowly lost to Republican incumbent Ted Cruz. He sought the 2020 Democratic nomination for President of the United States.

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Beto Perez

First Name Beto
Born on March 15, 1970 (age 54)

Alberto "Beto" Pérez,, is a Colombian dancer, choreographer, businessman, and Zumba instructor. He created the exercise fitness program Zumba in the late 1990s which involves dance and aerobic exercise elements with accompanying music, specifically Latin, and associated martial arts moves, squats, lunges, and other aerobic techniques.

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Beto Barbosa

First Name Beto
Born on February 27, 1955 (age 69)
Born in Brazil, Pará

Raimundo Roberto Morhy Barbosa is a Brazilian Lambada singer and composer.

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Beto Richa

First Name Beto
Born on July 29, 1965 (age 58)
Born in Brazil, Paraná

Carlos Alberto "Beto" Richa is a Brazilian engineer and politician. He was the Governor of the Brazilian state of Paraná until April 6, 2018, when he resigned to run for a seat at the Brazilian Senate. He was succeeded by Cida Borghetti. In September 11, 2018, less than a month to the election, Richa was arrested as part of the Operation Car Wash.

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Beto Guedes

First Name Beto
Born on August 13, 1951 (age 72)
Born in Brazil, Minas Gerais

Alberto de Castro Guedes is a Brazilian singer, songwriter, and guitarist.

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Beto Lee

First Name Beto
Born on March 21, 1977 (age 47)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo

Roberto Lee Carvalho, more commonly known as Beto Lee, is a Brazilian singer-songwriter and guitarist, currently a session member of Titãs. He has also co-founded Galaxy and has released two solo albums, one of them earning a Latin Grammy Award. He is he son of singer Rita Lee and guitarist Roberto de Carvalho.

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Beto Mansur

First Name Beto
Born on July 7, 1951 (age 73)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo

Beto Mansur is a Brazilian politician and soybean farmer. He serves in the Congress and owns a soybean farm in Goiás.

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Beto Simas

Alberto Nunan Simas
First Name Beto
Born on July 21, 1962 (age 62)
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Beto Studart

First Name Beto
Born on May 6, 1946 (age 78)
Born in Brazil, Ceará
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Beto Albuquerque

First Name Beto
Born on January 6, 1963 (age 61)
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