List of Famous people named May

Similar names: Mia, Maya, M, Mo, Ma, Mae, Mao, Mai, Maia, Mie, Moe, Mayo, Masa, Moya, Moa, Maaya, Mi, Maye, Maz, Miye, Mei, Miyo, Maasa, My, Maie. Here are some famous Mays:

May Pang

First Name May
Last Name Pang
Born on October 24, 1950 (age 73)

May Fung Yee Pang is an American former music executive. She worked for John Lennon and Yoko Ono as a personal assistant and production coordinator, and when Lennon and Ono separated in 1973, Pang and Lennon began a relationship that lasted more than 18 months. Lennon later referred to this time as his "Lost Weekend". Pang subsequently produced two books about their relationship—a memoir called Loving John and a book of photographs, Instamatic Karma.

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May J.

橋本 ジャミーレ 芽生
First Name May
Last Name J.
Born on June 20, 1988 (age 36)

May Jamileh Hashimoto , better known by her stage name May J., is a Japanese pop and R&B singer who made her major label debut under Sony Music Japan on July 12, 2006, with her first mini-album All My Girls. She was born to an Iranian mother and Japanese father.

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May Ayim

Sylvia Brigitte Gertrud Opitz
First Name May
Last Name Ayim
Born on May 3, 1960
Died on August 9, 1996 (aged 36)
Born in Germany

May Ayim is the pen name of May Opitz ; she was an Afro-German poet, educator, and activist. The child of a German student and Ghanaian medical student, she was adopted by a white German family when young. After reconnecting with her father and his family in Ghana, in 1992 she took his surname for a pen name.

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May Warden

First Name May
Last Name Warden
Born on May 9, 1891
Died on October 5, 1978 (aged 87)

May Warden was an English actress and comedian.

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May Ziadeh

ماري إلياس زيادة
First Name May
Last Name Ziadeh
Born on February 11, 1886
Died on October 17, 1941 (aged 55)

May Elias Ziadeh was a Lebanese-Palestinian poet, essayist and translator, who wrote different works in Arabic and in French.

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May Britt

First Name May
Last Name Britt
Born on March 22, 1934 (age 90)

May Britt is a Swedish actress who had a brief career in the 1950s in Italy and later in the United States. She was married to American entertainer Sammy Davis Jr. from 1960 to 1968.

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May Skaf

First Name May
Last Name Skaf
Born on April 15, 1969
Died on July 23, 2018 (aged 49)

May Skaf was a Syrian actress and activist. She began her career in 1991. Skaf acted in many series and movies such as Al-Ababeed in 1997 Maraya in 1998 and Omar in 2012. Skaf was known for her opposition to Syrian regime, she was labeled The rebellious artist, The Free artist and Revolution icon. She died in July 2018 in Dourdan from a heart attack.

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May Suen

First Name May
Last Name Suen
Born on January 9, 1981 (age 43)
Born in Taiwan

Sun Shu-may is a Taiwanese pop singer, actress and TV host who sings predominantly in Taiwanese Hokkien. She has released 17 albums since 1995.

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May Ling Su

First Name May
Last Name Su
Born on March 1, 1973 (age 51)

May Ling Su is a pornographic actress, feminist, and self-described "menstrual artist".

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May Hariri

First Name May
Last Name Hariri
Born on December 24, 1972 (age 51)

May Hariri is a Lebanese pop artist as well as an actress and the ex-wife of singer Melhem Barakat.

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