List of Famous people named Miyo

Similar names: Mia, Maya, May, M, Mo, Ma, Mae, Mao, Mai, Maia, Mie, Moe, Mayo, Masa, Moya, Moa, Maaya, Mi, Maye, Maz, Miye, Mei, Maasa, My, Maie. Here are some famous Miyos:

Miyo Ichikawa

First Name Miyo
Born on June 28, 1989 (age 35)

Miyo Ichikawa is a Japanese female curler.

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Miyo Yoshida

First Name Miyo
Born on April 12, 1988 (age 36)

Mitsuyo Yoshida is a Japanese professional boxer who has held the WBO junior-bantamweight title since 2019. As of April 2020, she is ranked as the world's ninth best active female junior-bantamweight by BoxRec.

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Miyo Ōkubo

First Name Miyo
Born on July 27, 1976 (age 48)
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Miyo Akao

First Name Miyo
Born on August 29, 1981 (age 43)
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Don't know him/her
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