List of Famous people named Moya

Similar names: Mia, Maya, May, M, Mo, Ma, Mae, Mao, Mai, Maia, Mie, Moe, Mayo, Masa, Moa, Maaya, Mi, Maye, Maz, Miye, Mei, Miyo, Maasa, My, Maie. Here are some famous Moyas:

Moya Brennan

First Name Moya
Last Name Brennan
Born on August 4, 1952 (age 72)

Moya Brennan, also known as Máire Brennan, is an Irish folk singer, songwriter, harpist, and philanthropist. She began performing professionally in 1970 when her family formed the band Clannad, and is considered as the "First Lady of Celtic Music". Moya released her first solo album in 1992 called Máire, a successful venture. She has been nominated for two Grammys and has won an Emmy Award. She has recorded music for several soundtracks, including Titanic, To End All Wars and King Arthur.

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Moya Catherine Incledon

First Name Moya
Last Name Incledon
Born on April 2, 1956 (age 68)
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Moya Clare Pack-Beresford

First Name Moya
Last Name Pack-Beresford
Born on June 9, 1949 (age 75)
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Moya Brady

First Name Moya
Last Name Brady
Born on September 8, 1962 (age 62)

Moya Brady is an English actress, known for portraying the role of Breda McQueen on the Channel 4 soap opera, Hollyoaks, from 2018 to 2020.

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Moya Ann Thompson

First Name Moya
Last Name Thompson
Born on October 16, 1965 (age 59)
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Don't know him/her
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