List of Famous people named Masa

Similar names: Mia, Maya, May, M, Mo, Ma, Mae, Mao, Mai, Maia, Mie, Moe, Mayo, Moya, Moa, Maaya, Mi, Maye, Maz, Miye, Mei, Miyo, Maasa, My, Maie. Here are some famous Masas:

Masa Saito

First Name Masa
Last Name Saito
Born on August 7, 1942
Died on July 14, 2018 (aged 75)
Born in Japan, Tokyo

Masanori Saito was a Japanese professional wrestler better known as Mr. Saito or Masa Saito (マサ斎藤), who wrestled for 33 years across the world. He had success as a singles wrestler, winning the AWA World Heavyweight Championship in 1990, and as a tag team wrestler with multiple partners in various National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) territories.

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Masa Nakayama

First Name Masa
Last Name Nakayama
Born on January 19, 1891
Died on October 11, 1976 (aged 85)

Masa Nakayama was a Japanese politician and educator who was the first woman appointed to the Cabinet of Japan when she became Minister of Health and Welfare in 1960.

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Masa Feszty

First Name Masa
Last Name Feszty
Born on January 31, 1895
Died on March 1, 1979 (aged 84)
Born in Hungary
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Masa Yamaguchi

First Name Masa
Last Name Yamaguchi
Born on January 1, 1974 (age 50)

Masa Yamaguchi is a professional actor who appeared in the movie The Condemned.

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Masa Tse

First Name Masa
Last Name Tse
Born on September 5, 1978
Died on August 23, 2010 (aged 31)
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Masa Yamada

First Name Masa
Last Name Yamada
Born on May 12, 1930 (age 94)
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Masa Oshiro

First Name Masa
Last Name Oshiro
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Don't know him/her
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