List of Famous people who died in 1979

Louis Mountbatten

First Name Louis
Last Name Mountbatten
Born on June 25, 1900
Died on August 27, 1979 (aged 79)

Admiral of the Fleet Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, was a British Royal Navy officer and statesman, an uncle of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and second cousin once removed of Queen Elizabeth II. During the Second World War, he was Supreme Allied Commander, South East Asia Command. He was the last Viceroy of India and the first governor-general of independent India.

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Josef Mengele

First Name Josef
Last Name Mengele
Born on March 16, 1911
Died on February 7, 1979 (aged 67)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Josef Mengele, also known as the Angel of Death was a German Schutzstaffel (SS) officer and physician during World War II. He is mainly remembered for his actions at the Auschwitz concentration camp, where he performed deadly experiments on prisoners, and was a member of the team of doctors who selected victims to be killed in the gas chambers and was one of the doctors who administered the gas. With Red Army troops sweeping through Poland, Mengele was transferred 280 kilometres (170 mi) from Auschwitz to the Gross-Rosen concentration camp on 17 January 1945, just 10 days before the arrival of the Soviet forces at Auschwitz.

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John Wayne

Marion Robert Morrison
First Name John
Last Name Wayne
Born on May 26, 1907
Died on June 11, 1979 (aged 72)
Height 192 cm | 6'4

Marion Robert Morrison, known professionally as John Wayne and nicknamed The Duke, was an American actor and filmmaker who became a popular icon through his starring roles in Western films. His career spanned from the silent era of the 1920s, through the Golden Age of Hollywood and eventually American New Wave, appearing in a total of 179 film and television productions. He was among the top box office draws for three decades, and appeared with many important Hollywood stars of his era.

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Mamie Eisenhower

First Name Mamie
Last Name Eisenhower
Born on November 14, 1896
Died on November 1, 1979 (aged 82)

Mamie Geneva Eisenhower was the wife of President Dwight D. Eisenhower and First Lady of the United States from 1953 to 1961.

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Jimmy McCulloch

First Name Jimmy
Born on June 4, 1953
Died on September 27, 1979 (aged 26)

James McCulloch was a Scottish musician and songwriter best known for playing lead guitar and bass, as a member of Paul McCartney's band Wings from 1974 to 1977. McCulloch was a member of the Glasgow psychedelic band One in a Million, Thunderclap Newman, and Stone the Crows.

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Sid Vicious

John Simon Ritchie
First Name Sid
Born on May 10, 1957
Died on February 2, 1979 (aged 21)
Height 185 cm | 6'1

Simon John Ritchie, known professionally as Sid Vicious, was an English bassist and vocalist for the Sex Pistols, a British punk rock band. Vicious replaced Glen Matlock, who had fallen out of favour with the other members of the group.

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Jean Seberg

Jean Dorothy Seberg
First Name Jean
Last Name Seberg
Born on November 13, 1938
Died on August 30, 1979 (aged 40)
Height 160 cm | 5'3

Jean Dorothy Seberg was an American actress who lived half her life in France. Her performance in Jean-Luc Godard's 1960 film Breathless immortalized her as an icon of French New Wave cinema.

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Conrad Hilton

First Name Conrad
Last Name Hilton
Born on December 25, 1887
Died on January 3, 1979 (aged 91)

Conrad Nicholson Hilton was an American businessman and politician who was the founder of the Hilton Hotels chain.

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Dhyan Chand Bais

First Name Dhyan
Born on August 29, 1905
Died on December 3, 1979 (aged 74)
Born in India
Height 169 cm | 5'7

Major Dhyan Chand was an Indian field hockey player widely regarded as the greatest in the history of the sport. He was known for his extraordinary goal-scoring feats, in addition to earning three Olympic gold medals, in 1928, 1932 and 1936, during an era where India dominated field hockey. His influence extended beyond these victories, as India won the field hockey event in seven out of eight Olympics from 1928 to 1964.

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Jacques Mesrine

Jacques René Mesrine
First Name Jacques
Last Name Mesrine
Born on December 28, 1936
Died on November 2, 1979 (aged 42)

Jacques Mesrine was a French criminal responsible for numerous murders, bank robberies, burglaries, and kidnappings in France, the US, and Canada. Mesrine repeatedly escaped from prison and made international headlines during a final period as a fugitive when his exploits included trying to kidnap the judge who had previously sentenced him. An aptitude for disguise earned him the moniker "The Man of a Thousand Faces" and enabled him to remain at large while receiving massive publicity as a wanted man. Mesrine was widely seen as an anti-establishment 'Robin Hood' figure. In keeping with his charismatic image, he was rarely without a glamorous female companion. A two-part film which came out in 2008 was based on Mesrine's life.

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