List of Famous people named Jacques

Name Jacques is among the most common names in France, Canada, Switzerland. Shortened forms: Jacky. Similar names: Jacky, Jacquizz, Jaques. Here are some famous Jacqueses:

Jacques le Gris

First Name Jacques
Last Name Gris
Born on November 30, 1329
Died on December 29, 1386 (aged 57)

Sir Jacques le Gris was a French squire and knight who gained fame and infamy, and was ultimately killed when he engaged in one of the last judicial duels permitted by the Parlement of Paris after he was accused of rape by Marguerite de Carrouges, the wife of his neighbour and rival, Sir Jean de Carrouges. Carrouges brought legal proceedings against Le Gris before King Charles VI who, after hearing the evidence, authorised a trial by combat to determine the question. The duel attracted thousands of spectators and has been discussed by many notable French writers, from the contemporary Jean Froissart to Voltaire.

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Jacques Chirac

Jacques René Chirac
First Name Jacques
Last Name Chirac
Born on November 29, 1932
Died on September 26, 2019 (aged 86)

Jacques René Chirac was a French politician who served as President of France from 1995 to 2007. Chirac was previously the Prime Minister of France from 1974 to 1976 and from 1986 to 1988, as well as the Mayor of Paris from 1977 to 1995.

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Jacques Brel

Jacques Romain Georges Brel
First Name Jacques
Last Name Brel
Born on April 8, 1929
Died on October 9, 1978 (aged 49)

Jacques Romain Georges Brel was a Belgian singer, songwriter, actor and director who composed and performed literate, thoughtful, and theatrical songs that generated a large, devoted following—initially in Belgium and France, later throughout the world. He is considered a master of the modern chanson. Although he recorded most of his songs in French and occasionally in Dutch, he became an influence on English-speaking songwriters and performers, such as Scott Walker, David Bowie, Alex Harvey, Marc Almond and Rod McKuen. English translations of his songs were recorded by many performers, including: Bowie; Walker, Ray Charles; Judy Collins; John Denver; The Kingston Trio; Nina Simone; Shirley Bassey; Frank Sinatra and Andy Williams.

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Jacques Audiard

First Name Jacques
Last Name Audiard
Born on April 30, 1952 (age 72)

Jacques Audiard is a French film director and screenwriter. He is the son of Michel Audiard, also a film director and screenwriter.

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Jacques Dutronc

First Name Jacques
Last Name Dutronc
Born on April 28, 1943 (age 81)

Jacques Dutronc is a French singer, songwriter, guitarist, composer, and actor. He has been married to singer Françoise Hardy since 30 March 1981 and the two have a son. He also has been a longtime songwriting collaborator with Jacques Lanzmann. Some of Dutronc's best-known hits include "Il est cinq heures, Paris s'éveille", "Le Responsable", and "Les Cactus".

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Jacques Attali

Jacques José Mardoché Attali
First Name Jacques
Last Name Attali
Born on November 1, 1943 (age 80)

Jacques Attali is a French economic and social theorist, writer, political adviser and senior civil servant, who served as a counselor to President François Mitterrand from 1981 to 1991 and was the first head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in 1991-1993. In 1997, upon the request of education minister Claude Allègre, he proposed a reform of the higher education degrees system. In 2008-2010, he led the government committee on how to ignite the growth of the French economy, under President Nicolas Sarkozy.

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Jacques Mayol

First Name Jacques
Last Name Mayol
Born on April 1, 1927
Died on December 22, 2001 (aged 74)

Jacques Mayol was a French diver and the holder of many world records in free diving. The 1988 film The Big Blue, directed by Luc Besson was inspired by his life story and that of his friend, Enzo Maiorca. Mayol was one of the screenwriters and authored the book Homo Delphinus: the Dolphin Within Man of his philosophy about the aquatic origins of humans.

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Jacques Mesrine

Jacques René Mesrine
First Name Jacques
Last Name Mesrine
Born on December 28, 1936
Died on November 2, 1979 (aged 42)

Jacques Mesrine was a French criminal responsible for numerous murders, bank robberies, burglaries, and kidnappings in France, the US, and Canada. Mesrine repeatedly escaped from prison and made international headlines during a final period as a fugitive when his exploits included trying to kidnap the judge who had previously sentenced him. An aptitude for disguise earned him the moniker "The Man of a Thousand Faces" and enabled him to remain at large while receiving massive publicity as a wanted man. Mesrine was widely seen as an anti-establishment 'Robin Hood' figure. In keeping with his charismatic image, he was rarely without a glamorous female companion. A two-part film which came out in 2008 was based on Mesrine's life.

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Jacques Zimako

Jacques Zimicko Atre
First Name Jacques
Last Name Zimako
Born on December 28, 1951
Died on December 8, 2021 (aged 69)
Born in France
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Jacques Zimako is a French former professional footballer who played as a forward.

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Jacques Cousteau

First Name Jacques
Last Name Cousteau
Born on June 11, 1910
Died on June 25, 1997 (aged 87)

Jacques-Yves Cousteau, was a French naval officer, explorer, conservationist, filmmaker, innovator, scientist, photographer, author and researcher who studied the sea and all forms of life in water. He co-developed the Aqua-Lung, pioneered marine conservation and was a member of the Académie Française.

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