List of Famous people with last name Chirac

Jacques Chirac

Jacques René Chirac
First Name Jacques
Last Name Chirac
Born on November 29, 1932
Died on September 26, 2019 (aged 86)

Jacques René Chirac was a French politician who served as President of France from 1995 to 2007. Chirac was previously the Prime Minister of France from 1974 to 1976 and from 1986 to 1988, as well as the Mayor of Paris from 1977 to 1995.

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Bernadette Chirac

Bernadette Thérèse Marie Chodron de Courcel
First Name Bernadette
Born on May 18, 1933 (age 91)

Bernadette Thérèse Marie Chirac is a French politician and the widow of the former President Jacques Chirac.

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Claude Chirac

First Name Claude
Last Name Chirac
Born on December 6, 1962 (age 61)

Claude Chirac,, the youngest daughter of French president Jacques Chirac, was her father's personal advisor from 1994 until his death in 2019.

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