List of Famous people named Claude

Name Claude is among the most common names in France, Canada, Switzerland. Similar names: Claudia, Claudio, Claud, Claudie, Claudi. Here are some famous Claudes:

Claude Cahun

Lucy Renée Mathilde Schwob
First Name Claude
Last Name Cahun
Born on October 25, 1894
Died on December 8, 1954 (aged 60)

Claude Cahun, born Lucy Renee Mathilde Schwob, was a French queer photographer, sculptor and writer.

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Claude Shannon

First Name Claude
Last Name Shannon
Born on April 30, 1916
Died on February 24, 2001 (aged 84)

Claude Elwood Shannon was an American mathematician, electrical engineer, and cryptographer known as "the father of information theory". Shannon is noted for having founded information theory with a landmark paper, "A Mathematical Theory of Communication", which he published in 1948.

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Claude Lemieux

First Name Claude
Last Name Lemieux
Born on July 16, 1965 (age 59)
Born in Canada, Quebec
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Claude Percy Lemieux is a Canadian former professional ice hockey player. He last played for the San Jose Sharks before announcing his retirement on July 8, 2009. He is one of only 11 players in Stanley Cup history to win the Cup with three or more different teams. His 80 career playoff goals are the ninth-most in NHL history, making him one of the best playoff performers in history. Lemieux is also a former president of the ECHL's Phoenix RoadRunners. He is also the father of New York Rangers forward Brendan Lemieux.

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Claude François

Claude Antoine Marie François Mazzeï
First Name Claude
Last Name François
Born on February 1, 1939
Died on March 11, 1978 (aged 39)

Claude Antoine Marie François, also known by the nickname Cloclo, was a French pop singer, composer, songwriter, music producer, drummer and dancer. François co-wrote the lyrics of "Comme d'habitude", the original version of "My Way" and composed the music of "Parce que je t'aime mon enfant", the original version of "My Boy". Among his most famous songs are "Le Téléphone Pleure", "Le lundi au soleil", "Magnolias for Ever", "Alexandrie Alexandra" and "Cette année là".

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Claude Brasseur

Claude Pierre Espinasse
First Name Claude
Last Name Brasseur
Born on June 15, 1936
Died on December 22, 2020 (aged 84)

Claude Brasseur was a French actor.

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Claude Lelouch

First Name Claude
Last Name Lelouch
Born on October 30, 1937 (age 86)

Claude Barruck Joseph Lelouch is a French film director, writer, cinematographer, actor and producer.

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Claude Puel

Claude Jacques Puel
First Name Claude
Last Name Puel
Born on September 2, 1961 (age 62)
Born in France, Occitania
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Claude Jacques Puel is a French football manager and former player, who is currently in charge of Saint-Étienne. He spent his entire playing career with AS Monaco, before becoming manager of the club, leading them to the league title in his first full season in charge. He has also managed Lille, Lyon and Nice in Ligue 1, and Southampton and Leicester City in England's Premier League.

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Claude Giraud

Claude Pierre Edmond Giraud
First Name Claude
Last Name Giraud
Born on February 5, 1936
Died on November 3, 2020 (aged 84)

Claude Giraud was a French actor.

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Claude Gensac

Claude Jeanne Malca Gensac
First Name Claude
Last Name Gensac
Born on March 1, 1927
Died on December 27, 2016 (aged 89)

Claude Gensac was a French actress. She appeared in more than 70 films and television productions since 1952. Gensac is the oldest nominee to date in the category César Award for Best Supporting Actress, nominated in 2015 for her role as Marthe in the film Lulu femme nue.

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Claude Rich

Claude Robert Rich
First Name Claude
Last Name Rich
Born on February 8, 1929
Died on July 20, 2017 (aged 88)
Born in France, Grand Est

Claude Rich was a French stage and screen actor. He began his career in the theater before his film debut in 1955.

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