List of Famous people born in Algiers Province, Algeria

Sofia Boutella

First Name Sofia
Born on April 3, 1982 (age 42)
Height 163 cm | 5'4

Sofia Boutella is an Algerian-French actress, model, and dancer.

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Françoise Fabian

First Name Françoise
Last Name Fabian

Michèle Cortes de Leone y Fabianera, better known as her stage name Françoise Fabian, is a French film actress. She has appeared in more than 80 films since 1956. In 1971, Fabian signed the Manifesto of the 343, publicly declaring having had an abortion.

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Marlène Jobert

First Name Marlène
Last Name Jobert
Born on November 4, 1940 (age 84)

Marlène Jobert is a French actress and author.

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Maryse Wolinski

Maryse Bachère
First Name Maryse
Born on May 3, 1943
Died on December 9, 2021 (aged 78)

Maryse Wolinski is a French writer and journalist. She is the widow of cartoonist Georges Wolinski who died on 7 January 2015 during the Charlie Hebdo shooting in Paris.

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Jacques Attali

Jacques José Mardoché Attali
First Name Jacques
Last Name Attali
Born on November 1, 1943 (age 81)

Jacques Attali is a French economic and social theorist, writer, political adviser and senior civil servant, who served as a counselor to President François Mitterrand from 1981 to 1991 and was the first head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in 1991-1993. In 1997, upon the request of education minister Claude Allègre, he proposed a reform of the higher education degrees system. In 2008-2010, he led the government committee on how to ignite the growth of the French economy, under President Nicolas Sarkozy.

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Islam Slimani

First Name Islam
Last Name Slimani
Born on June 18, 1988 (age 36)
Height 188 cm | 6'2

Islam Slimani is an Algerian professional footballer who plays as a striker for Ligue 1 club Lyon and the Algeria national team.

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Patrick Timsit

First Name Patrick
Last Name Timsit
Born on July 15, 1959 (age 65)

Patrick Timsit is a French comedian, writer and film director. He has been nominated for 4 César Awards, three times as an actor and once as a writer. He is best known for the French comedy Un indien dans la ville.

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Bruno Carette

Bruno Frédéric Carette
First Name Bruno
Last Name Carette
Born on November 26, 1956
Died on December 8, 1989 (aged 33)

Bruno Carette (1956–1989) was a French humorist. He was a member and founder of the group of comedians Les Nuls alongside Alain Chabat, Chantal Lauby and Dominique Farrugia.

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Daniel Auteuil

First Name Daniel
Last Name Auteuil
Born on January 24, 1950 (age 74)
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Daniel Auteuil is a French actor and director who has appeared in a wide range of film genres, including period dramas, romantic comedies, and crime thrillers. In 1996 he won the Best Actor Award at the Cannes Film Festival together with Belgian actor Pascal Duquenne. He is also the winner of two César Awards for Best Actor, one in 1987 as Ugolin Soubeyran in Jean de Florette and Manon des Sources and one for his role in Girl on the Bridge. For his role in Jean de Florette he also won the BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role. Auteuil is considered one of France's most respected actors.

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Guy Bedos

Guy René Bédos
First Name Guy
Last Name Bedos
Born on June 15, 1934
Died on May 28, 2020 (aged 85)

Guy Bedos was a French screenwriter, stand-up comedian and actor. He was a French man born in Algeria, a former French colony. He is identified as a Pied-Noir, name given to the French people by the Algerians in assimilation with the French legionnaires who wore black boots. At Music-Hall, he interpreted various sketches of authors like him. He developed a regularly updated political satire. This satire affected mostly right-wing politicians, his "friends" of the left also suffer from his cutting reflections.

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