List of Famous people named Guy

Name Guy is among the most common names in France, Canada. Similar names: Guo, Gu, Gui, Guia. Here are some famous Guys:

Guy Ritchie

First Name Guy
Last Name Ritchie
Born on September 10, 1968 (age 55)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Guy Stuart Ritchie is an English film director, producer, writer, and businessman. His work includes British gangster films and the Sherlock Holmes franchise.

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Guy Georges

Guy Rampillon
First Name Guy
Last Name Georges
Born on October 15, 1962 (age 61)
Born in France, Grand Est

Guy Georges is a French serial killer, dubbed The Beast of the Bastille, who was convicted of murdering seven women between 1991 and 1997.

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Guy Pearce

Guy Edward Pearce
First Name Guy
Last Name Pearce
Born on October 5, 1967 (age 56)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Guy Edward Pearce is a British-Australian actor, musician, singer and songwriter. He is known for having starred in the role of Mike Young in the Australian television series Neighbours and for appearing in films such as The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994), L.A. Confidential (1997), Ravenous (1999), Memento (2000), The Count of Monte Cristo (2002), The Time Machine (2002), The Road (2009), The King's Speech (2010), 33 Postcards (2011) and Iron Man 3 (2013). In Australian cinema, he has appeared in The Proposition (2005), Animal Kingdom (2010), Prometheus (2012), The Rover (2014), Holding the Man (2015), The Wizards of Aus (2016) and Alien: Covenant (2017). He has won a Primetime Emmy Award and received nominations for Golden Globe Awards, Screen Actors Guild Awards, and AACTA Awards. Since 2012, he has played the title role in the TV adaptations of the Jack Irish stories by Australian crime writer Peter Temple.

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Guy Marchand

First Name Guy
Last Name Marchand
Born on May 22, 1937 (age 87)

Guy Marchand is a French actor, musician and singer. He is best known for his role as the main character in the French police procedural series Nestor Burma.

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Guy Menzies

First Name Guy
Last Name Menzies
Born on August 20, 1909
Died on November 1, 1940 (aged 31)
Born in Australia

Guy Lambton Menzies was an Australian aviator who flew the first solo trans-Tasman flight, from Sydney, Australia to the West Coast of New Zealand, on 7 January 1931.

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Guy Bedos

Guy René Bédos
First Name Guy
Last Name Bedos
Born on June 15, 1934
Died on May 28, 2020 (aged 85)

Guy Bedos was a French screenwriter, stand-up comedian and actor. He was a French man born in Algeria, a former French colony. He is identified as a Pied-Noir, name given to the French people by the Algerians in assimilation with the French legionnaires who wore black boots. At Music-Hall, he interpreted various sketches of authors like him. He developed a regularly updated political satire. This satire affected mostly right-wing politicians, his "friends" of the left also suffer from his cutting reflections.

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Guy Savoy

First Name Guy
Last Name Savoy
Born on July 24, 1953 (age 71)

Guy Savoy is a French chef, who is the Head Chef and owner of the eponymous Guy Savoy restaurant in Paris and sister restaurant in Las Vegas, both of which have gained multiple Michelin stars.

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Guy Fieri

Guy Ramsay Ferry
First Name Guy
Last Name Fieri
Born on January 22, 1968 (age 56)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Guy Ramsay Fieri is an American restaurateur, author, and an Emmy Award winning television presenter. He co-owns three restaurants in California, licenses his name to restaurants in New York City and Las Vegas, Nevada, and is known for hosting various television series on the Food Network. By 2010, The New York Times reported that Fieri had become the "face of the network", bringing an "element of rowdy, mass-market culture to American food television" and that his "prime-time shows attract more male viewers than any others on the network".

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Guy Martin

First Name Guy
Last Name Martin
Born on November 4, 1981 (age 42)

Guy Martin is a British motorcycle racer, television presenter, and heavy vehicle mechanic.

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Guy Roux

Guy Marcel Roux
First Name Guy
Last Name Roux
Born on October 18, 1938 (age 85)

Guy Marcel Roux is a French former football player and manager known for being in charge of French side AJ Auxerre for more than 40 years and for leading the team to national and worldwide prominence.

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