List of Famous Serial Killers

Ted Bundy

Theodore Robert Cowell
First Name Ted
Died on January 24, 1989 (aged 19)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Theodore Robert Bundy was an American serial killer who kidnapped, raped, and murdered numerous young women and girls during the 1970s and possibly earlier. After more than a decade of denials, before his execution in 1989 he confessed to 30 homicides that he committed in seven states between 1974 and 1978. The true number of victims is believed to be higher.

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Zodiac Killer

First Name Zodiac
Last Name Killer

The Zodiac Killer is the pseudonym of an American serial killer who operated in Northern California from at least the late 1960s to the early 1970s. The unidentified killer originated the name in a series of taunting letters and cards sent to the San Francisco Bay Area press. These letters included four cryptograms.

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Charles Manson

Charles Milles Maddox
First Name Charles
Last Name Manson
Born on November 12, 1934
Died on November 19, 2017 (aged 83)
Height 157 cm | 5'2

Charles Milles Manson was an American criminal and cult leader. In mid-1967, he formed what became known as the "Manson Family", a quasi-commune based in California. His followers committed a series of nine murders at four locations in July and August 1969. Although the motive for the murders was disputed by Manson, the Los Angeles County district attorney believed that Manson intended to start a race war. In 1971, he was convicted of first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder for the deaths of seven people, including the film actress Sharon Tate. The prosecution contended that, while Manson never directly ordered the murders, his ideology constituted an overt act of conspiracy.

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Jeffrey Dahmer

First Name Jeffrey
Last Name Dahmer
Born on May 21, 1960
Died on November 28, 1994 (aged 34)

Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer, also known as the Milwaukee Cannibal or the Milwaukee Monster, was an American serial killer and sex offender who committed the murder and dismemberment of 17 men and boys from 1978 to 1991. Many of his later murders involved necrophilia, cannibalism, and the permanent preservation of body parts—typically all or part of the skeleton.

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Pedro rodriguez el chicharito

First Name Pedro
Last Name Chicharito
Born on June 17, 1954 (age 70)
Born in Brazil, Minas Gerais

Pedro Rodrigues Filho, also known as Pedrinho Matador , is a Brazilian serial killer who pursued and killed other criminals. His victims included 47 people who were murdered inside the prisons in which he was imprisoned.

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Gary Ridgway

Gary Leon Ridgway
First Name Gary
Last Name Ridgway
Born on February 18, 1949 (age 75)
Height 179 cm | 5'10

Gary Leon Ridgway, also known as the Green River Killer, is an American serial killer. He was initially convicted of 48 separate murders. As part of his plea bargain, another conviction was added, bringing the total number of convictions to 49, making him the second most prolific serial killer in United States history according to confirmed murders. He killed many teenage girls and women in the state of Washington during the 1980s and 1990s.

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Ted Kaczynski

Theodore John Kaczynski
First Name Ted
Born on May 22, 1942 (age 82)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Theodore John Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber, is an American domestic terrorist, anarchist and former mathematics professor. He was a mathematics prodigy, but abandoned his academic career in 1969 to pursue a more primitive life. Between 1978 and 1995, he killed three people and injured 23 others in a nationwide bombing campaign against people involved with modern technology. He issued a social critique opposing industrialization and advocating a nature-centered form of anarchism.

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Richard Ramirez

First Name Richard
Last Name Ramirez
Born on February 29, 1960
Died on June 7, 2013 (aged 53)
Height 185 cm | 6'1

Ricardo Leyva Muñoz Ramírez, known as Richard Ramirez, was an American serial killer, serial rapist, kidnapper, pedophile, and burglar. His highly publicized home invasion crime spree terrorized the residents of the Greater Los Angeles area and later the residents of the San Francisco Bay Area from June 1984 until August 1985. Prior to his capture, Ramirez was dubbed the "Night Stalker" by the news media.

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Aileen Wuornos

Aileen Carol Pittiman
First Name Aileen
Born on February 29, 1956
Died on October 9, 2002 (aged 46)
Height 165 cm | 5'5

Aileen Carol "Lee" Wuornos was an American serial killer and sex worker who murdered seven men in Florida in 1989 and 1990 by shooting them at point-blank range. Wuornos claimed that her victims had either raped or attempted to rape her while they were soliciting sex from her, and that all of the homicides were committed in self-defense. She was sentenced to death for six of the murders and was executed by lethal injection on October 9, 2002.

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Yoo Young-chul

First Name Yoo
Last Name Young-chul
Born on April 18, 1970 (age 54)
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Yoo Young-chul (유영철) is a South Korean serial killer, sex offender, and self-confessed cannibal. Admitting to murdering 20 people, mostly prostitutes and wealthy old men, the Seoul Central District Court convicted him of 20 murders. Yoo burned three and mutilated at least 11 of his victims, admitting he ate the livers of some of them. He committed his crimes between September 2003 and July 2004, when he was arrested. Yoo explained his motives in front of a TV camera saying "Women shouldn't be sluts, and the rich should know what they've done."

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