List of Famous people who died in 1976

Mal Evans

First Name Mal
Last Name Evans
Born on May 27, 1935
Died on January 5, 1976 (aged 40)

Malcolm Frederick Evans was an English roadie and personal assistant employed to the Beatles from 1963 until their break-up in 1970.

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Mao Zedong

First Name Mao
Last Name Zedong
Born on December 26, 1893
Died on September 9, 1976 (aged 82)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Mao Zedong, also known as Chairman Mao, was a Chinese communist revolutionary who was the founder of the People's Republic of China (PRC), which he ruled as the chairman of the Communist Party of China from its establishment in 1949 until his death in 1976. Ideologically a Marxist–Leninist, his theories, military strategies, and political policies are collectively known as Maoism.

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Howard Hughes

First Name Howard
Last Name Hughes
Born on December 24, 1905
Died on April 5, 1976 (aged 70)
Height 191 cm | 6'3

Howard Robard Hughes Jr. was an American business magnate, investor, record-setting pilot, engineer, film director, and philanthropist, known during his lifetime as one of the most financially successful individuals in the world. He first became prominent as a film producer, and then as an influential figure in the aviation industry. Later in life, he became known for his eccentric behavior and reclusive lifestyle—oddities that were caused in part by his worsening obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), chronic pain from a near-fatal plane crash, and increasing deafness.

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Agatha Christie

Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller
First Name Agatha
Last Name Christie
Born on September 15, 1890
Died on January 12, 1976 (aged 85)

Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie, Lady Mallowan, was an English writer known for her sixty-six detective novels and fourteen short story collections, particularly those revolving around fictional detectives Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. She also wrote the world's longest-running play, The Mousetrap, which was performed in the West End from 1952 to 2020, as well as six novels under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott. In 1971, she was made a Dame (DBE) for her contributions to literature. Guinness World Records lists Christie as the best-selling fiction writer of all time, her novels having sold more than two billion copies.

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James Wong Howe

First Name James
Last Name Howe
Born on August 28, 1899
Died on July 12, 1976 (aged 76)

Wong Tung Jim, A.S.C., known professionally as James Wong Howe (Houghto), was a Chinese-born American cinematographer who worked on over 130 films. During the 1930s and 1940s, he was one of the most sought after cinematographers in Hollywood due to his innovative filming techniques. Howe was known as a master of the use of shadow and one of the first to use deep-focus cinematography, in which both foreground and distant planes remain in focus.

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Juscelino Kubstchek

First Name Juscelino
Born on September 12, 1902
Died on August 22, 1976 (aged 73)
Born in Brazil, Minas Gerais

Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira, known also by his initials JK, was a prominent Brazilian politician who served as the 21st President of Brazil from 1956 to 1961. His term was marked by economic prosperity and political stability, being most known for the construction of a new capital, Brasília.

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Luchino Visconti

First Name Luchino
Born on November 2, 1906
Died on March 17, 1976 (aged 69)
Born in Italy, Lombardy

Luchino Visconti di Modrone, Count of Lonate Pozzolo, was an Italian theatre, opera and cinema director, as well as a screenwriter. Visconti was one of the fathers of Italian neorealism in film, but later moved towards luxurious-looking films obsessed with beauty, death and European history – especially the decay of aristocracy. Among his best-known films are Ossessione (1943), Senso (1954), Rocco and His Brothers (1960), The Leopard (1963), The Damned (1969), Death in Venice (1971) and Ludwig (1972).

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Jean Gabin

Jean-Alexis-Gabin Moncorgé
First Name Jean
Last Name Gabin
Born on May 17, 1904
Died on November 15, 1976 (aged 72)

Jean Gabin was a French actor and singer. Considered a key figure in French cinema, he starred in several classic films including Pépé le Moko (1937), La grande illusion (1937), Le Quai des brumes (1938), La bête humaine (1938), Le jour se lève (1939), and Le plaisir (1952). Gabin was made a member of the Légion d'honneur in recognition of the important role he played in French cinema.

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Dalton Trumbo

James Dalton Trumbo
First Name Dalton
Last Name Trumbo
Born on December 9, 1905
Died on September 10, 1976 (aged 70)

James Dalton Trumbo was an American screenwriter and novelist who scripted many award-winning films, including Roman Holiday (1953), Exodus, Spartacus, and Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo (1944). One of the Hollywood Ten, he refused to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) in 1947 during the committee's investigation of Communist influences in the motion picture industry.

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Christian Ranucci

First Name Christian
Last Name Ranucci
Born on April 6, 1954
Died on July 28, 1976 (aged 22)

Christian Ranucci was a travelling door-to-door salesman who abducted and killed an eight-year-old girl on Whit Monday, 1974. For these crimes, he was one of the last persons executed in France. He was convicted of the abduction and murder on March 10, 1976.

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