List of Famous people named Ma

Similar names: Mia, Maya, May, M, Mo, Mae, Mao, Mai, Maia, Mie, Moe, Mayo, Masa, Moya, Moa, Maaya, Mi, Maye, Maz, Miye, Mei, Miyo, Maasa, My, Maie. Here are some famous Mas:

Ma Dong-seok

First Name Ma
Last Name Dong-seok
Born on March 1, 1971 (age 53)

Ma Dong-seok, also known as Don Lee, is a Korean–American actor. With his break-out performance in Train to Busan and subsequent leading roles, Ma has become one of the most successful actors in South Korea.

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Ma Rainey

Gertrude Pritgett
First Name Ma
Last Name Rainey
Born on April 26, 1886
Died on December 22, 1939 (aged 53)

Gertrude "Ma" Rainey was one of the early African-American professional blues singers and one of the first generation of blues singers to record. The "Mother of the Blues", she bridged earlier vaudeville and the authentic expression of southern blues, influencing a generation of blues singers.

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Ma Anand Sheela

Sheela Ambalal Patel
First Name Ma
Last Name Sheela
Born on December 28, 1949 (age 74)
Born in India

Ma Anand Sheela is an Indian-born Swiss who was the spokeswoman of the Rajneesh movement. In 1986, she pleaded guilty to attempted murder and assault for her role in the 1984 Rajneeshee bioterror attack.

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Ma Ying-jeou

First Name Ma
Last Name Ying-jeou
Born on July 13, 1950 (age 74)
Born in Hong Kong

Ma Ying-jeou is a Hong Kong-born Taiwanese politician who served as the sixth president of the Republic of China (Taiwan) from 2008 to 2016. His previous political roles include Justice Minister (1993–96) and Mayor of Taipei (1998–2006). He was also the Chairman of the Kuomintang (KMT) between 2005–2007 and 2009–2014.

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Ma Long

First Name Ma
Last Name Long
Born on October 20, 1988 (age 35)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Ma Long is a Chinese table tennis player. The current Olympic and World Champion, he is ranked number 3 in the world by the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF). He has held the ranking of number 1 for a total of 64 months, the most by any male player in the history of table tennis. Ma was born in Anshan, Liaoning, China. He won a record 5 straight ITTF World Tour tournaments in a row, including a streak of 35 sets, and a record total of 28 ITTF World Tour titles. Since 2014, he has been the captain of the Chinese National Table Tennis Men's Team.

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Ma Sichun

First Name Ma
Last Name Sichun
Born on March 14, 1988 (age 36)

Sandra Ma Sichun is a Chinese actress of Hui ethnicity. She is noted for her roles in the films The Left Ear (2015) and Soul Mate (2016), for which she won the Golden Horse Award for Best Leading Actress alongside her co-star Zhou Dongyu; and in television series Love Me If You Dare (2015) and Age of Legends (2018).

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Ma Huateng

First Name Ma
Last Name Huateng
Born on October 29, 1971 (age 52)
Net Worth $65.8B

Ma Huateng, also known as Pony Ma, is a Chinese billionaire business magnate. He is the founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Tencent, Asia's most valuable company, one of the largest Internet and technology companies, and one of the biggest investment, gaming and entertainment conglomerates in the world. The company develops China's biggest mobile instant messaging service, WeChat, and its subsidiaries provide media, entertainment, payment systems, smartphones, internet-related services, value-added services and online advertising services, both in China and globally.

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Ma Su

First Name Ma
Last Name Su
Born on November 30, 0189
Died on January 1, 0228 (aged 38)

Ma Su (190–228), courtesy name Youchang, was a military general and strategist of the state of Shu Han in the Three Kingdoms period of China. Ma Su had conspicuous talent in military theories and was admired by the Shu chancellor Zhuge Liang. However, a tactical blunder by Ma Su at the Battle of Jieting resulted in Shu being dealt a huge defeat by Zhang He, a general of the rival state of Wei. He was a younger brother of Ma Liang.

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Ma Sik-chun

First Name Ma
Last Name Sik-chun
Born on November 30, 1937
Died on June 15, 2015 (aged 77)

Ma Sik-chun was a Hong Kong businessman, media mogul and, along with his brother Ma Sik-yu, co-founder of the Oriental Daily News.

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Ma Tianyu

First Name Ma
Last Name Tianyu
Born on July 12, 1986 (age 38)

Ma Tianyu, also known as Ray Ma, is a Chinese Mandopop singer and actor. He graduated from the Beijing Film Academy.

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