List of Richest Billionaires

Jeff Bezos

Jeffrey Preston Jorgensen
First Name Jeff
Last Name Bezos
Born on January 12, 1964 (age 60)
Height 173 cm | 5'8
Net Worth $177.0B

Jeffrey Preston Bezos is an American internet entrepreneur, industrialist, media proprietor, and investor. He is the founder, CEO, and president of the multi-national technology company Amazon. The first centi-billionaire on the Forbes wealth index, he is the second richest person in the world since January 2021, after Elon Musk. Bezos was named the "richest man in modern history" after his net worth increased to $150 billion in July 2018. According to Forbes, he is the first person in history to have a net worth exceeding $200 billion.

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Elon Musk

Elon Reeve Musk
First Name Elon
Last Name Musk
Born on June 28, 1971 (age 53)
Height 187 cm | 6'2
Net Worth $151.0B

Elon Reeve Musk is a business magnate, industrial designer and engineer. He is the founder, CEO, CTO and chief designer of SpaceX; early investor, CEO and product architect of Tesla, Inc.; founder of The Boring Company; co-founder of Neuralink; and co-founder and initial co-chairman of OpenAI. In 2018, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) and ranked 25th on the Forbes list of The World's Most Powerful People, and was ranked joint-first on the Forbes list of the Most Innovative Leaders of 2019. A centi-billionaire, Musk became the richest person in the world in January 2021, surpassing Jeff Bezos.

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Bill Gates

William Henry Gates III
First Name Bill
Last Name Gates
Born on October 28, 1955 (age 68)
Height 177 cm | 5'10
Net Worth $124.0B

William Henry Gates III is an American business magnate, software developer, and philanthropist. He is best known as the co-founder of Microsoft Corporation. During his career at Microsoft, Gates held the positions of chairman, chief executive officer (CEO), president and chief software architect, while also being the largest individual shareholder until May 2014. He is one of the best-known entrepreneurs and pioneers of the microcomputer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s.

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Mark Zuckerberg

First Name Mark
Last Name Zuckerberg
Born on May 14, 1984 (age 40)
Height 171 cm | 5'7
Net Worth $97.0B

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is an American media magnate, internet entrepreneur, and philanthropist. He is known for co-founding Facebook, Inc. and serves as its chairman, chief executive officer, and controlling shareholder. He also is a co-founder of the solar sail spacecraft development project Breakthrough Starshot and serves as one of its board members.

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Warren Buffett

First Name Warren
Last Name Buffett
Born on August 30, 1930 (age 93)
Net Worth $96.0B

Warren Edward Buffett is an American investor, business tycoon, philanthropist, and the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. He is considered one of the most successful investors in the world and has a net worth of over US$85.6 billion as of December 2020, making him the world's fourth-wealthiest person.

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Larry Ellison

First Name Larry
Born on August 17, 1944 (age 79)
Net Worth $93.0B

Lawrence Joseph Ellison is an American business magnate, investor, and philanthropist who is a co-founder, the executive chairman and chief technology officer (CTO) of Oracle Corporation. As of October 2019, he was listed by Forbes magazine as the fourth-wealthiest person in the United States and as the sixth-wealthiest in the world, with a fortune of $69.1 billion, increased from $54.5 billion in 2018. He is also the owner of the 41st largest island in the United States, Lanai in the Hawaiian Islands with a population of just over 3000.

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Larry Page

First Name Larry
Born on March 26, 1973 (age 51)
Net Worth $91.5B

Lawrence Edward Page is an American computer scientist and Internet entrepreneur. He is best known as one of the co-founders of Google along with Sergey Brin.

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Sergey Brin

First Name Sergey
Born on August 21, 1973 (age 50)
Born in Russia
Net Worth $89.0B

Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin is an American computer scientist and Internet entrepreneur. Together with Larry Page, he co-founded Google. Brin was the president of Google's parent company, Alphabet Inc., until stepping down from the role on December 3, 2019. Brin and Page remain at Alphabet as co-founders, controlling shareholders, board members, and employees. As of January 2021, Brin is the 9th-richest person in the world, with an estimated net worth of US$75 billion.

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Mukesh Ambani

First Name Mukesh
Last Name Ambani
Born on April 19, 1957 (age 67)
Net Worth $84.5B

Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani is an Indian billionaire businessman, and the chairman, managing director, and largest shareholder of Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL), a Fortune Global 500 company and India's most valuable company by market value. He is the second richest person in Asia with a net worth of US$74 billion in January 2021, and as of 28 December 2020, the 14th richest in the world.

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Amancio Ortega

Amancio Ortega Gaona
First Name Amancio
Born on March 28, 1936 (age 88)
Born in Spain, Galicia
Net Worth $77.0B

Amancio Ortega Gaona is a Spanish billionaire businessman. He is the founder and former chairman of Inditex fashion group, best known for its chain of Zara clothing and accessories shops. As of December 2019, Ortega had a net worth of $68.3 billion, making him the second-wealthiest person in Europe after Bernard Arnault, and the sixth-wealthiest in the world. For a brief period of time in 2015, he was the richest man in the world, bypassing Bill Gates when his net worth peaked to $80 billion as Zara's parent company, Inditex's, stock peaked.

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