List of Famous people named Andree

Similar names: Andre, Andrea, Andrei, Andrey, Andriy, Andra, Andray, Andrae, Yandro, Andria, Andry, Andro, Andreea. Here are some famous Andrees:

Andrée Chedid

Andrée Saab
First Name Andrée
Last Name Chedid
Born on March 20, 1920
Died on February 6, 2011 (aged 90)

Andrée Chedid, born Andrée Saab Khoury, was an Egyptian-French poet and novelist of Lebanese descent. She is the recipient of numerous literary awards and was made a Grand Officer of the French Legion of Honour in 2009.

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Andrée Lachapelle

First Name Andrée
Last Name Lachapelle
Born on November 13, 1931
Died on November 21, 2019 (aged 88)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Andrée Lachapelle, was a French Canadian actress. Born in Montreal, she trained at age 14 at the Studio XV theatre school under Gerard Vleminckx, later attended teacher's college and taught elementary school for a few years. In 1952 she met actor Robert Gadouas, performed with him, and had three children before his death in 1969. She later appeared in plays by Michel Tremblay, Samuel Beckett and Tennessee Williams and in the films Laura Laur, Léolo, Cap Tourmente, Route 132, The Last Escape and Don't Let the Angels Fall.

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Andrée Champagne

First Name Andrée
Last Name Champagne
Born on July 17, 1939
Died on June 6, 2020 (aged 80)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Andrée Champagne, was a Canadian actress, pianist and politician.

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Andrée Tainsy

First Name Andrée
Last Name Tainsy
Died on December 19, 2004 (aged 34)

Andrée Micheline Ghislaine Tainsy was a Belgian actress. She worked with several notable actors like Philippe Noiret, Jean Louis Trintignant, Charlotte Rampling and famous directors like Claude Chabrol, Costas Gavras and François Ozon. Tainsy began her career with theater plays and her first film debut was in 1945, followed by over 80 different cinema and TV works as co-star. She worked until the day of her death.

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Andrée Watters

First Name Andrée
Last Name Watters
Born on January 25, 1983 (age 41)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Andrée Watters-Michaud is a musician and a two-time Félix Award winner from Quebec

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Andrée Damant

First Name Andrée
Last Name Damant
Born on July 31, 1942 (age 82)

Andrée Damant is a French actress.

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Andrée Putman

First Name Andrée
Last Name Putman
Born on December 23, 1925
Died on January 19, 2013 (aged 87)

Andrée Putman was a French interior and product designer. She was the mother of Olivia Putman and of Cyrille Putman.

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Andrée Lafayette

Andrée Rose Godard
First Name Andrée
Last Name Lafayette
Born on May 19, 1903
Died on October 3, 1989 (aged 86)

Andrée Rose Godard, known by her stage-name as Andrée Lafayette, also known by her self-invented title as Countess Andrée de la Bigne, (born19 May 1903, in Achères, and died 3 October, 1989, in Équemauville, Calvados. She was a French stage and film actress, and granddaughter of the infamous demi-mondaine Émilie Louise Delabigne who was known by her self-invented title as Countess Valtesse de La Bigne.

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Andrée Debar

Andrée Carmen Marguerite Debar
First Name Andrée
Last Name Debar
Born on May 5, 1920
Died on January 24, 1999 (aged 78)

Andrée Debar (1920–1999) was a French actress and producer of stage and screen. She was married to the right-wing French politician and film producer Roger Duchet.

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Andrée Brunet

First Name Andrée
Last Name Brunet
Born on September 16, 1901
Died on March 30, 1993 (aged 91)

Andrée Brunet was a French figure skater. Together with her husband Pierre Brunet she won Olympic medals in 1924, 1928 and 1932, as well as four world titles between 1926 and 1932 in pair skating. She also competed in singles, winning the national title in 1921–1930 and finishing fifth at the 1924 Winter Olympics.

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