List of Famous people named Andry

Similar names: Andre, Andrea, Andrei, Andrey, Andriy, Andree, Andra, Andray, Andrae, Yandro, Andria, Andro, Andreea. Here are some famous Andrys:

Andry Rajoelina

First Name Andry
Born on May 30, 1974 (age 50)
Born in Madagascar

Andry Nirina Rajoelina is a Malagasy politician and businessman who is currently serving as the president of Madagascar. He started his career in the private sector, first organizing events on the Island, and then investing in the advertising business and the media. He was the Mayor of Antananarivo from December 2007 to February 2009, and President of the High Transitional Authority of Madagascar from 21 March 2009 to 25 January 2014, up until the general elections were held in 2013.

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