List of Famous people who died in 1961

Ernest Hemingway

First Name Ernest
Last Name Hemingway
Born on July 21, 1899
Died on July 2, 1961 (aged 61)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Ernest Miller Hemingway was an American novelist, short-story writer, journalist, and sportsman. His economical and understated style—which he termed the iceberg theory—had a strong influence on 20th-century fiction, while his adventurous lifestyle and his public image brought him admiration from later generations. Hemingway produced most of his work between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s, and he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. He published seven novels, six short-story collections, and two nonfiction works. Three of his novels, four short-story collections, and three nonfiction works were published posthumously. Many of his works are considered classics of American literature.

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Anna May Wong

First Name Anna
Last Name Wong
Born on January 3, 1905
Died on February 3, 1961 (aged 56)
Height 165 cm | 5'5

Anna May Wong was an American actress, considered to be the first Chinese American Hollywood movie star, as well as the first Chinese American actress to gain international recognition. Her varied career spanned silent film, sound film, television, stage, and radio.

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Charles D. B. King

First Name Charles
Last Name King
Born on March 12, 1875
Died on September 4, 1961 (aged 86)

Charles Dunbar Burgess King was a politician in Liberia of Americo-Liberian and Freetown Creole descent. He was a member of the True Whig Party, which ruled the country from 1878 until 1980. He served as the 17th President of Liberia from 1920 until 1930.

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Miriam A. Ferguson

First Name Miriam
Born on June 13, 1875
Died on June 25, 1961 (aged 86)

Miriam Amanda Wallace "Ma" Ferguson was an American politician who served two non-consecutive terms as the governor of Texas, from 1925 to 1927 and 1933 to 1935. She was the first female governor of Texas and one of the first two women to be governor of any U.S. state, along with Nellie Tayloe Ross.

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Susanna M. Salter

Susanna Madora Kinsey
First Name Susanna
Born on March 2, 1860
Died on March 17, 1961 (aged 101)

Susanna Madora Salter was a U.S. politician and activist. She served as mayor of Argonia, Kansas, becoming the first woman elected as mayor and one of the first women to serve any political office in the United States.

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Gary Cooper

First Name Gary
Last Name Cooper
Born on May 7, 1901
Died on May 13, 1961 (aged 60)
Height 191 cm | 6'3

Gary Cooper was an American actor known for his natural, authentic, and understated acting style. He won the Academy Award for Best Actor twice and had a further three nominations, as well as receiving an Academy Honorary Award for his career achievements in 1961. He was one of the top 10 film personalities for 23 consecutive years, and one of the top money-making stars for 18 years. The American Film Institute (AFI) ranked Cooper at No. 11 on its list of the 25 greatest male stars of classic Hollywood cinema.

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Hari Singh

First Name Hari
Last Name Singh
Born on September 21, 1895
Died on April 26, 1961 (aged 65)

Maharajah Sir Hari Singh was the last ruling Maharaja of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir in the British Raj and later India.

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Ty Cobb

Tyrus Raymond Cobb
First Name Ty
Last Name Cobb
Born on December 18, 1886
Died on July 17, 1961 (aged 74)
Height 185 cm | 6'1

Tyrus Raymond Cobb, nicknamed The Georgia Peach, was an American Major League Baseball (MLB) outfielder. He was born in rural Narrows, Georgia. Cobb spent 22 seasons with the Detroit Tigers, the last six as the team's player-manager, and finished his career with the Philadelphia Athletics. In 1936, Cobb received the most votes of any player on the inaugural Baseball Hall of Fame ballot, receiving 222 out of a possible 226 votes (98.2%); no other player received a higher percentage of votes until Tom Seaver in 1992. In 1999, the Sporting News ranked Ty Cobb third on their list of "Baseball's 100 Greatest Players".

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Walburga Oesterreich

First Name Walburga
Died on January 1, 1961

Walburga "Dolly" Oesterreich was an American housewife, married to a wealthy textile manufacturer Fred William Oesterreich. She gained notoriety for her bizarre 10-year affair with Otto Sanhuber, which culminated in the shooting death of her husband.

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Joan McCracken

Joan Hume McCracken
First Name Joan
Last Name McCracken
Born on December 31, 1917
Died on November 1, 1961 (aged 43)

Joan Hume McCracken was an American dancer, actress, and comedian who became famous for her role as Sylvie in the original 1943 production of Oklahoma! She also was noted for her performances in the Broadway shows Bloomer Girl (1944), Billion Dollar Baby (1945) and Dance Me a Song (1950), and the films Hollywood Canteen (1945) and Good News (1947).

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