List of Famous people who died in 1959

Buddy Holly

Charles Hardin Holley
First Name Buddy
Died on February 3, 1959

Charles Hardin Holley, known professionally as Buddy Holly, was an American singer-songwriter who was a central and pioneering figure of mid-1950s rock and roll. He was born in Lubbock, Texas, to a musical family during the Great Depression, and learned to play guitar and sing alongside his siblings. His style was influenced by gospel music, country music, and rhythm and blues acts, which he performed in Lubbock with his friends from high school.

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Ritchie Valens

Richard Steven Valenzuela Reyes
First Name Ritchie
Last Name Valens
Born on May 13, 1941
Died on February 3, 1959 (aged 17)

Richard Steven Valenzuela, known professionally as Ritchie Valens, was an American singer, songwriter, and guitarist. A rock and roll pioneer and a forefather of the Chicano rock movement, Valens was killed in a plane crash eight months into his recording career.

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Errol Flynn

First Name Errol
Born on June 20, 1909
Died on October 14, 1959 (aged 50)
Born in Australia, Tasmania
Height 186 cm | 6'1

Errol Leslie Thomson Flynn was an Australian-born actor. Considered the natural successor to Douglas Fairbanks, he achieved worldwide fame during the Golden Age of Hollywood. He was known for his romantic swashbuckler roles, frequent partnerships with Olivia de Havilland, and reputation for his womanising and hedonistic personal life. His most notable roles include the eponymous hero in The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938), which was later named by the American Film Institute as the 18th greatest hero in American film history, the lead role in Captain Blood (1935), Major Geoffrey Vickers in The Charge of the Light Brigade (1936), and the hero in a number of Westerns such as Dodge City (1939), Santa Fe Trail (1940), and San Antonio (1945).

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Billie Holiday

Eleanora Fagan
First Name Billie
Last Name Holiday
Born on April 7, 1915
Died on July 17, 1959 (aged 44)
Height 165 cm | 5'5

Eleanora Fagan, known professionally as Billie Holiday, was an American jazz and swing music singer with a career spanning 26 years. Nicknamed "Lady Day" by her friend and music partner Lester Young, Holiday had an innovative influence on jazz music and pop singing. Her vocal style, strongly inspired by jazz instrumentalists, pioneered a new way of manipulating phrasing and tempo. She was known for her vocal delivery and improvisational skills.

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Cecil B. DeMille

First Name Cecil
Last Name DeMille
Born on August 12, 1881
Died on January 21, 1959 (aged 77)

Cecil Blount DeMille was an American film director and producer. Between 1914 and 1958, he made 70 features, both silent and sound films. He is acknowledged as a founding father of the American cinema and the most commercially successful producer-director in film history. His films were distinguished by their epic scale and by his cinematic showmanship. His silent films included social dramas, comedies, Westerns, farces, morality plays, and historical pageants.

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Andrew J. May

First Name Andrew
Last Name May
Born on June 24, 1875
Died on September 6, 1959 (aged 84)

Andrew Jackson May was a Kentucky attorney, an influential New Deal-era politician, and chairman of the House Military Affairs Committee during World War II, infamous for his rash disclosure of classified naval information that resulted in the loss of 10 American submarines and 800 sailors, and his subsequent conviction for bribery. May was a Democratic member of United States House of Representatives from Kentucky during the 72nd to 79th sessions of Congress.

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William Halsey Jr.

First Name William
Last Name Jr.
Born on October 30, 1882
Died on August 16, 1959 (aged 76)

William Frederick "Bull" Halsey Jr. was a fleet admiral in the United States Navy during World War II. He is one of four individuals to have attained the rank of fleet admiral of the United States Navy, the others being Ernest King, William Leahy, and Chester W. Nimitz.

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George Reeves

First Name George
Last Name Reeves
Died on June 16, 1959
Height 187 cm | 6'2

George Reeves was an American actor. He is best known for his role as Superman in the 1952–1958 television program Adventures of Superman.

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Mario Lanza

Alfred Arnold Cocozza
First Name Mario
Last Name Lanza
Born on January 31, 1921
Died on October 7, 1959 (aged 38)

Mario Lanza was an American tenor of Italian ancestry, and an actor and Hollywood film star of the late 1940s and the 1950s.

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Max Baer

Maximillian Adalbert Baer
First Name Max
Last Name Baer
Born on February 11, 1909
Died on November 21, 1959 (aged 50)
Height 189 cm | 6'2

Maximilian Adelbert "Max" Baer was an American boxer who was the World Heavyweight Champion from June 14, 1934, to June 13, 1935. His fights were both rated Fight of the Year by The Ring Magazine. Baer was also a boxing referee, and had an occasional role on film or television. He was the brother of heavyweight boxing contender Buddy Baer and father of actor Max Baer Jr.. Baer is rated #22 on Ring Magazine's list of 100 greatest punchers of all time.

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