List of Famous people named Hari

Similar names: Harry, Harri, Harrie, Hara, Hary, Harie, Harro. Here are some famous Haris:

Hari Nef

First Name Hari
Last Name Nef
Born on October 21, 1992 (age 31)

Hari Nef is an American actress, model, and writer. Nef's breakthrough role was Gittel in the Amazon original series Transparent, for which she was nominated for a SAG award in 2016. She made her runway debut at New York Fashion Week Spring 2015, walking for both Hood By Air and Eckhaus Latta, and subsequently became the first openly transgender woman signed to IMG Models. She became the first openly transgender woman to appear on the cover of a major British magazine. Nef has written on a breadth of topics from fine art and film to sex, gender, and trans identity. She lives and works in New York City.

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Hari Singh

First Name Hari
Last Name Singh
Born on September 21, 1895
Died on April 26, 1961 (aged 65)

Maharajah Sir Hari Singh was the last ruling Maharaja of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir in the British Raj and later India.

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Hari Kondabolu

First Name Hari
Last Name Kondabolu
Born on October 21, 1982 (age 41)

Hari Karthikeya Kondabolu is an American stand-up comic, actor, filmmaker, and podcast host. His comedy covers subjects such as race, inequity, and Indian stereotypes. He was a writer for Totally Biased with W. Kamau Bell and the creator of the 2017 documentary film The Problem with Apu.

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Hari Sabarno

First Name Hari
Last Name Sabarno
Born on August 12, 1944
Died on May 31, 2019 (aged 74)

Hari Sabarno was an Indonesian army officer and former Minister of Home Affairs.

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Hari Nur Yulianto

First Name Hari
Last Name Yulianto
Born on July 31, 1989 (age 34)

Hari Nur Yulianto is an Indonesian professional footballer who plays as a forward for Liga 1 club PSIS Semarang.

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Hari Rhodes

First Name Hari
Last Name Rhodes
Born on April 10, 1932
Died on January 15, 1992 (aged 59)

Hari Rhodes was an American author and actor whose career spanned three decades beginning around 1960.

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Hari Dhillon

First Name Hari
Last Name Dhillon
Born on January 1, 1968 (age 56)

Hari Dhillon is an American television, film and stage actor, best known for playing Michael Spence in British television medical drama series Holby City. His name has also been spelled Hari Dillon and Harry Dillon.

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Hari Vishnu Kamath

First Name Hari
Last Name Kamath
Born on July 13, 1907
Died on October 9, 1982 (aged 75)
Born in India

Hari Vishnu Kamath (1907-1982) is an Indian Politician. He was elected to the lower House of Parliament the Lok Sabha from Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh, India.

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Hari Varešanović

Hajrudin "Hari" Varešanović is a Bosnian musician. Known for his impassioned lyrical tenor vocals, distinct stage presence and specific brand of poetic lyrics, Varešanović remains the vocal soloist, primary composer and lyricist for the musical group Hari Mata Hari.

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Hari Kostov

First Name Hari
Last Name Kostov
Born on November 13, 1959 (age 64)
Born in North Macedonia

Hari Kostov was the Prime Minister of Macedonia from May 2004 to November 2004. He was appointed to the position of Prime Minister by the parliament on May 31, 2004, two weeks after being nominated by President Branko Crvenkovski. Kostov was an economic advisor to the Macedonian government and the World Bank during the 1980s and 1990s. He was the interior minister in the previous government, which was led by Crvenkovski and lasted from 2002 until 2004, and ended when Crvenkovski was elected president. Kostov retained most officials from the Crvenkovski government.

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