List of Famous people who died at 56

Steve Jobs

Steven Paul Jobs
First Name Steve
Last Name Jobs
Born on February 24, 1955
Died on October 5, 2011 (aged 56)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Steven Paul Jobs was an American business magnate, industrial designer, investor, and media proprietor. He was the chairman, chief executive officer (CEO), and co-founder of Apple Inc., the chairman and majority shareholder of Pixar, a member of The Walt Disney Company's board of directors following its acquisition of Pixar, and the founder, chairman, and CEO of NeXT. Jobs is widely recognized as a pioneer of the personal computer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s, along with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.

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Linda McCartney

Linda Louise Eastman
First Name Linda
Last Name McCartney
Born on September 24, 1941
Died on April 17, 1998 (aged 56)

Linda Louise McCartney, Lady McCartney was an American photographer, musician, animal rights activist, and entrepreneur. She was best known as the first wife of Paul McCartney of the Beatles and for her photographs of celebrities and contemporary musicians. Her photos were published in the book Linda McCartney's Sixties: Portrait of an Era in 1992.

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Anthony Johnson

First Name Anthony
Last Name Johnson
Born on May 5, 1965
Died on September 6, 2021 (aged 56)

Anthony Johnson, sometimes credited as A. J. Johnson, was an American actor and comedian. He was best known for his role in Friday.

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Thomas Brasch

First Name Thomas
Last Name Brasch
Born on February 19, 1945
Died on November 3, 2001 (aged 56)

Thomas Brasch was a German author, poet and film director.

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Tamme Hanken

First Name Tamme
Born on May 16, 1960
Died on October 10, 2016 (aged 56)

Tamme Hanken was a German horse whisperer and animals bonesetter known from the two documentary TV shows Der XXL-Ostfriese on NDR and Knochenbrecher on Tour on kabel eins, the latter of which had up to two million viewers. Born in Filsum, he also was the author of a book, Das Glück der Pferde in meinen Händen, which was published in 2001.

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Bette Nesmith Graham

First Name Bette
Last Name Graham
Born on March 23, 1924
Died on May 12, 1980 (aged 56)

Bette Nesmith Graham was an American typist, commercial artist, and the inventor of the correction fluid Liquid Paper. She was the mother of musician and producer Michael Nesmith of The Monkees.

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Fofi Gennimata

First Name Fofi
Born on November 17, 1964
Died on October 25, 2021 (aged 56)

Fotini "Fofi" Gennimata was a Greek politician who served as president of the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) from 2015 to 2021. During her tenure as party leader, she also co-founded and led the Democratic Alignment and the Movement for Change, two successive political alliances of centre-left parties formed around PASOK. She was the daughter of Georgios Gennimatas, a high-profile government minister during the PASOK administrations of the 1980s and 1990s.

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Erin Moran

Erin Marie Moran
First Name Erin
Last Name Moran
Born on October 18, 1960
Died on April 22, 2017 (aged 56)
Height 160 cm | 5'3

Erin Marie Moran-Fleischmann was an American actress, best known for playing Joanie Cunningham on the television sitcom Happy Days and its spin-off Joanie Loves Chachi.

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Clarice Lispector

Хая Пинхасiвна Лиспектор
First Name Clarice
Born on December 10, 1920
Died on December 9, 1977 (aged 56)

Clarice Lispector was a Brazilian novelist and short story writer acclaimed internationally for her innovative novels and short stories. Born to a Jewish family in Podolia in Western Ukraine, as an infant she moved to Brazil with her family, amidst the disasters engulfing her native land following the First World War.

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Vikas Dubey

First Name Vikas
Born on November 30, 1963
Died on July 10, 2020 (aged 56)

Vikas Dubey was an Indian Crime boss and gangster-turned-politician based in Kanpur Dehat district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. The first criminal case against him was registered in the early 1990s, and by 2020, he had over 60 criminal cases against his name. He was connected to the killing of a minister of state, and in another incident, was the main accused in the killing of eight policemen during an attempted arrest. Uttar Pradesh Police declared him an absconder with a bounty of ₹5 lakh before he was finally arrested on 9 July 2020 in Ujjain. He was killed on 10 July 2020 in an encounter, after the police vehicle carrying him met with an accident.

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