Vikas Dubey

Vikas Dubey

Vikas Dubey was an Indian Crime boss and gangster-turned-politician based in Kanpur Dehat district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. The first criminal case against him was registered in the early 1990s, and by 2020, he had over 60 criminal cases against his name. He was connected to the killing of a minister of state, and in another incident, was the main accused in the killing of eight policemen during an attempted arrest. Uttar Pradesh Police declared him an absconder with a bounty of ₹5 lakh before he was finally arrested on 9 July 2020 in Ujjain. He was killed on 10 July 2020 in an encounter, after the police vehicle carrying him met with an accident.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 30th, 1963
Date of Death
July 10th, 2020
Died Aged
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