List of Famous people named Maik

Maik Beermann

First Name Maik
Born on October 19, 1981 (age 43)

Maik Beermann is a German politician Christian Democratic Union (CDU) who served as a member of the German Bundestag from 2013 to 2021.

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Maik Franz

First Name Maik
Born on August 5, 1981 (age 43)
Height 190 cm | 6'3

Maik Franz is a German former footballer.

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Maik Walpurgis

Maik Walpurgis is a German football coach who last managed Dynamo Dresden.

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Maik Machulla

First Name Maik
Born on January 9, 1977 (age 48)

Maik Machulla is a German retired handball player and current coach of SG Flensburg-Handewitt.

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Maik Landsmann

First Name Maik
Born on October 25, 1967 (age 57)
Born in Germany, Thuringia
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Maik Landsmann is a retired track cyclist from East Germany, who represented his native country at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, South Korea. There he won the gold medal in the men's team time trial (100 km), alongside Uwe Ampler, Jan Schur and Mario Kummer. A year later he won the world title in the same event.

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Maik Meuser

First Name Maik
Born on January 1, 1976 (age 49)
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Maik Klokow

First Name Maik
Born on January 13, 1965 (age 60)
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Maik Reichel

First Name Maik
Born on September 30, 1971 (age 53)
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Maïk Darah

First Name Maïk
Born on February 7, 1954 (age 71)
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Maik Schubert

First Name Maik
Born on March 28, 1971 (age 53)
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