List of Famous people named Jane

Name Jane is among the most common names in USA, England, Canada, Australia. Similar names: Jan, Jana, Janne, Jani, Jann, Jaan, Janna, Janni, Janny, Jannie, Jaana, Jian, Jahn, Janio, Janaya, Jaani, Janie, Jany, Janae, Janey. Here are some famous Janes:

Jane Fonda

First Name Jane
Last Name Fonda
Born on December 21, 1937 (age 86)
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Jane Seymour Fonda is an American actress, political activist, environmentalist, and former fashion model. She is the recipient of various accolades including two Academy Awards, two BAFTA Awards, seven Golden Globe Awards, a Primetime Emmy Award, the AFI Life Achievement Award, and the Honorary Golden Lion.

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Jane Campion

First Name Jane
Last Name Campion
Born on April 30, 1954 (age 70)

Dame Elizabeth Jane Campion is a New Zealand screenwriter, producer, and director. She is the second of five women ever nominated for the Academy Award for Best Director and the first and only female filmmaker to receive the Palme d'Or, which she received for the acclaimed film The Piano (1993), for which she also won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. Among her other directed films An Angel at My Table and Bright Star are the most highly regarded.

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Jane Goodall

First Name Jane
Last Name Goodall
Born on April 3, 1934 (age 90)

Dame Jane Morris Goodall, formerly Baroness Jane van Lawick-Goodall, is an English primatologist and anthropologist. Considered to be the world's foremost expert on chimpanzees, Goodall is best known for her 60-year study of social and family interactions of wild chimpanzees since she first went to Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania in 1960.

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Jane Powell

Suzanne Lorraine Burce
First Name Jane
Last Name Powell
Born on April 1, 1929
Died on September 16, 2021 (aged 92)
Height 151 cm | 4'11

Jane Powell is an American singer, dancer and actress who rose to fame in the mid-1940s with roles in various Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer musicals.

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Jane Wilde Hawking

Jane Beryl Wilde
First Name Jane
Last Name Hawking
Born on March 29, 1944 (age 80)

Jane Beryl Wilde Hawking Jones is an English author and teacher. She was married to Stephen Hawking for 30 years.

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Jane McDonald

First Name Jane
Last Name McDonald
Born on April 4, 1963 (age 61)

Jane Anne McDonald is an English easy listening singer, songwriter, media personality, actress and television presenter, who became known to the public in 1998 after her appearance on the BBC show The Cruise.

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Jane Wiedlin

Jane Marie Genevieve Wiedlin
First Name Jane
Last Name Wiedlin
Born on May 20, 1958 (age 66)
Height 155 cm | 5'1

Jane Marie Genevieve Wiedlin is an American musician, singer-songwriter, and actress best known as the rhythm guitarist and backing vocalist of the new wave band the Go-Go's. Wiedlin has also had a solo musical career.

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Jane Birkin

First Name Jane
Last Name Birkin
Born on December 14, 1946 (age 77)
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Jane Mallory Birkin, OBE is an English actress, singer, songwriter, and model. She attained international fame and notability for her decade-long musical and romantic partnership with Serge Gainsbourg. She also had a prolific career as an actress in British and French cinema.

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Jane Krakowski

Jane Krajkowski
First Name Jane
Last Name Krakowski
Born on October 11, 1968 (age 55)
Height 164 cm | 5'5

Jane Krakowski is an American actress and singer. She is best known for her starring role as Jenna Maroney in the NBC satirical comedy series 30 Rock, for which she received four Primetime Emmy Award nominations for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series. Her other notable television roles include Elaine Vassal in the Fox legal comedy-drama series Ally McBeal (1997–2002) and Jacqueline White in the Netflix comedy series Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (2015–2020).

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Jane C. Ginsburg

First Name Jane
Last Name Ginsburg
Born on July 21, 1955 (age 69)

Jane Carol Ginsburg is an American attorney. She is the Morton L. Janklow Professor of Literary and Artistic Property Law at the Columbia Law School. She also directs the law school's Kernochan Center for Law, Media and the Arts. In 2011, Ginsburg was elected to the British Academy.

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