List of Famous people with last name Campion

Jane Campion

First Name Jane
Last Name Campion
Born on April 30, 1954 (age 70)

Dame Elizabeth Jane Campion is a New Zealand screenwriter, producer, and director. She is the second of five women ever nominated for the Academy Award for Best Director and the first and only female filmmaker to receive the Palme d'Or, which she received for the acclaimed film The Piano (1993), for which she also won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. Among her other directed films An Angel at My Table and Bright Star are the most highly regarded.

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Cris Campion

First Name Cris
Born on September 1, 1966 (age 58)

Cris Campion is a French film and television actor, previously known as Thierry Campion.

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Kévin Campion

First Name Kévin
Last Name Campion
Born on May 23, 1988 (age 36)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Kévin Campion is a male French racewalker. He competed in the 20 kilometres walk event at the 2015 World Championships in Athletics in Beijing, China. In 2019, he competed in the men's 20 kilometres walk at the 2019 World Athletics Championships held in Doha, Qatar. He finished in 16th place.

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Anne Campion

First Name Anne
Last Name Campion
Born on January 7, 1929 (age 95)
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Marcel Campion

First Name Marcel
Last Name Campion
Born on February 17, 1940 (age 84)
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Edward Campion

First Name Edward
Last Name Campion
Born on January 1, 1934 (age 90)
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William David Simon Campion

First Name William
Last Name Campion
Born on September 16, 1922 (age 102)
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Wilfred Edward Campion

First Name Wilfred
Born on June 25, 1899 (age 125)
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